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20050928: I don't think I have my pqact file set right for this.....
- Subject: 20050928: I don't think I have my pqact file set right for this.....
- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 11:41:03 -0600
Your EXEC lines below have an extra unmatched ")" character following the "km"
that will prevent the pattern action from matching any products.
Since you are not referencing any matched fields, you do not need any "(...)"
delimeters, but they won't hurt, except in your case where they are not
matched up.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: "Kevin Polston" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200509282301.j8SN1xG7028553
>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Hey Steve,
>I am trying to set up my pqact.conf file to run a script upon receipt of
>certain satellite data. I've attached the relevant portion of my
>pqact.conf file and the two scripts I am using. When I ran the ldmadmin
>pqactcheck I got no errors but I am also not getting the script to run.
>What is frustrating is I had a similar script set up to run upon receipt
>of the 1km FNEXRAD radar imagery and it ran fine. But I lost that when I
>upgraded my system. So I followed the examples from the Unidata mail
>archives but I am missing something since the script it is not being
>run. I hope you have the answer....but then you always have the answer!
> :-)
>Thanks Steve,
>Kevin Polston
>Senior Instructor, NWSTC
>Kansas City MO 64152
>816-880-9314 ext 273
># NOAAPORT GINI Images in NIMAGE feed
> FILE -close
># NOAAPORT GINI Images in NIMAGE feed
> EXEC /home/gempak/ir_sat.csh
> ###
> ##
># NOAAPORT GINI Images in NIMAGE feed
> EXEC /home/gempak/vis_sat.csh
> ###
>This part of the pqact.conf file showed how to make gifs from the NIDS
>data. I did not have a script called NEXRAD_gif.csh but I made one up.
>It still didn't run for me.....so I must be doing something wrong somewhere.
># make some nids gifs
> EXEC /home/gempak/NEXRAD_gif.csh \5 \4 (\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\2\3
>Content-Type: text/plain;
> name="ir_sat.csh"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Disposition: inline;
> filename="ir_sat.csh"
>#! /bin/csh -x
># Creates SFCOA Surface Plots for Webpage
># Kevin Lee Polston
># address@hidden
># modified 15 September 2005
> set mm = `date -u +%m`
> set yy = `date -u +%Y`
> set dd = `date -u +%d`
> set hh = `date -u +%H`
>rm /usr1/nawips/metdat/gif/satellite/ir/*.gif
>#cd /usr1/nawips/gempak/tables/colors/
>#cp coltbl.xwp_white coltbl.xwp
>set SATFILE=(`ls -1 |tail -1`)
>set TIME=(`ls -1 |tail -1 |cut -c4-16`)
>set SAT_GIF_PATH=/usr1/nawips/metdat/gif/satellite/ir/
>#set TIME = ${yy}${mm}${dd}${HH}
>#set GAREA = /home/gempak/area
>set WORKDIR=/home/gempak/tmp/gemwrk.$$
>mkdir $WORKDIR
>gpmap << EOF
>satfil = $SAT/EAST-CONUS/4km/IR/${SATFILE}
>garea = tpa-
>map = 19
>latlon = 0
>lutfil = $GEMTBL/luts/m58.tbl
>watch = last|4|yes
>mscale =
>panel =
>proj = sat
>text = 1
>title = 6/-2/ ${TIME} 4KM IR SATELLITE IMAGE
>clear = yes
>DEVICE = gif|${SAT_GIF_PATH}4km_ir.gif |1024;768
>warn = last
>device = gif|${SAT_GIF_PATH}warn.gif |1024;768
>ftp -i kev54.kcnet.com << EOF1
>cd /kev54.kcnet.com/weather/sfcoa
>lcd /usr1/nawips/metdat/gif/satellite/ir/
>mput *.gif
># Run gpend to close the metafile
>#cd /usr1/nawips/gempak/tables/colors/
>#cp coltbl.xwp_black coltbl.xwp
>rm -rf $WORKDIR
>Content-Type: text/plain;
> name="vis_sat.csh"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Disposition: inline;
> filename="vis_sat.csh"
>#! /bin/csh -x
># Creates SFCOA Surface Plots for Webpage
># Kevin Lee Polston
># address@hidden
># modified 15 September 2005
> set mm = `date -u +%m`
> set yy = `date -u +%Y`
> set dd = `date -u +%d`
> set hh = `date -u +%H`
>rm /usr1/nawips/metdat/gif/satellite/vis/*.gif
>#cd /usr1/nawips/gempak/tables/colors/
>#cp coltbl.xwp_white coltbl.xwp
>set SATFILE=(`ls -1 |tail -1`)
>set TIME=(`ls -1 |tail -1 |cut -c5-17`)
>set SAT_GIF_PATH=/usr1/nawips/metdat/gif/satellite/vis/
>#set TIME = ${yy}${mm}${dd}${HH}
>#set GAREA = /home/gempak/area
>set WORKDIR=/home/gempak/tmp/gemwrk.$$
>mkdir $WORKDIR
>gpmap << EOF
>satfil = $SAT/EAST-CONUS/1km/VIS/${SATFILE}
>garea = oma-
>map = 10
>latlon = 0
>lutfil =
>watch = last|4|yes
>mscale =
>panel =
>proj = sat
>text = 1
>clear = yes
>DEVICE = gif|${SAT_GIF_PATH}1km_vis.gif |1024;768
>warn = last
>device = gif|${SAT_GIF_PATH}warn.gif |1024;768
>ftp -i kev54.kcnet.com << EOF1
>cd /kev54.kcnet.com/weather/sfcoa
>lcd /usr1/nawips/metdat/gif/satellite/vis/
>mput *.gif
># Run gpend to close the metafile
>#cd /usr1/nawips/gempak/tables/colors/
>#cp coltbl.xwp_black coltbl.xwp
>rm -rf $WORKDIR
>Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=utf-8;
> name="Kevin.Polston.vcf"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Disposition: attachment;
> filename="Kevin.Polston.vcf"
>fn:Kevin Polston
>org:NWSTC;Management & Meteorology
>adr:;;7220 NW 101st Terrace;Kansas City;MO;64153;USA
>title:Senior Instructor
>tel;work:816-880-9594 ext 273
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