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Re: 20050810:Re: IRaDS & LDM
- Subject: Re: 20050810:Re: IRaDS & LDM
- Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2005 17:42:33 -0600
Hi Marc and A.J.,
Your question was forwarded to me, being a LEAD team member myself.
First, why do you want to decode this data? Are you aware that nexradII
is a decompressor? Generally it's beneficial to only decompress this
data on demand because the overall compressed volume is very large and
the uncompressed volume is huge. Our visualization tools such as the
IDV decompress it dynamically, so we generally do not recommend
decompressing this as it comes in.
But, to answer your question, when a decoder is spawned depends on the
products that come in the data stream. Whether a decoder persists or
not and when it terminates depends on how the decoder was coded.
Generally we recommend that decoders stay open and read from stdin in
order to avoid the overhead of restarting them. The nexradII decoder is
slightly different in that it accumulates pieces of a volume scan,
decompresses them, and creates a file containing a decompressed volume
scan, after which it terminates.
To say more, spawning of a decoder depends on the products that match
the regular expression that filters the products sent to the decoder.
As long as products come in that match the regular expression and don't
cause new substitutions in the template, in this case the
"data/pub/decoded/nexradII/raw/\2/\3.raw" string, they will be fed to
that same instance of the decoder if it is still running.
So, in this example, when new products come in from a different station
or with a different date, this causes different substitutions in the \2
and \3 pieces of the template. Thus, a new instance of the decoder will
be spawned with the new values substituted into the template, creating a
new argument for this particular invocation. In this data stream the
volume scan is sent in a sequence of 100 radial chunks. Since all the
products for a particular volume scan have the same station ID and date,
this results in a new instance of the decoder for each volume scan from
a particular station, and a resulting file that is the complete
decompressed volume scan for each instance of the decoder.
Regarding shutting down, this decoder looks for a final product to know
when to end the decompression, close the file, and shut down. (Thus,
order of arrival is important with this decoder.)
Does this answer your questions?
Unidata Support wrote:
------- Forwarded Message
To: Andrew J Ragusa <address@hidden>
cc: address@hidden,
cc: address@hidden
From: Marcus A Christie <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: IRaDS & LDM
Organization: UCAR/Unidata
Keywords: 200508102225.j7AMP6jo020518
Andrew J Ragusa wrote:
I'm A.J. working with Professor Plale over at IU. I had a question on the
nexradII data and the LDM decoder. Mainly, how does LDM launch the
decoder? Is the decoder launched every time a new chunk of a file comes
in, or is it a persistent pipe that starts when the first chunk of file
is received and finished when the last chunk is received??
AJ Ragusa
Just to further elaborate, this is in relation to the LDM pqact action
PIPE. The full command, if it helps, is:
PIPE nexradII data/pub/decoded/nexradII/raw/\2/\3.raw
Anne Wilson UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata WWW server http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/