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20050623: python + LDM
- Subject: 20050623: python + LDM
- Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 10:45:15 -0600
I passed your message on to Steve Emmerson for consideration.
In my brief perusal, I see you have productDelimiter = '\003',
so I'm assuming you intend this only to be something for
the clear text products?
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: Daryl Herzmann <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200506231613.j5NGDeZu022545
>Hi Unidata,
>I mucked up a small peice of python code that bridges pqact and python via
>Twisted Python. Basically it allows for non-blocking processing of
>products while the STDIN pipe remains open. Currently, I am invoking
>python for each product received, which is not good (Bad daryl!)
>I wanted to run this by you folks, before I sent a more polished version
>to the ldm-users list. Perhaps somebody else has already done this and I
>suspect better! Or there are some python hacks there that can comment on
>this code...
>There are many reasons why this is interesting. The main one being the
>non-blocking nature and the ability for a long running python process that
>is not reinvoked constantly....
> daryl
>#=cut==== cat bridgefe.py =====
>#!/usr/bin/env python
>import ldmbridge
>from twisted.internet import reactor
>class myProductIngestor(ldmbridge.LDMProductReceiver):
> # Here is where you would write your processing code!
> def processData(self, data):
> print "I would like to do something here"
>fact = ldmbridge.LDMProductFactory( myProductIngestor() )
>#=cut==== cat ldmbridge.py =====
>import sys, re
>from twisted.internet import stdio
>from twisted.protocols import basic
>from twisted.internet import reactor
>class LDMProductReceiver(basic.LineReceiver):
> delimiter = '\n'
> productDelimiter = '\003'
> def __init__(self):
> self.productBuffer = ""
> self.setRawMode()
> def rawDataReceived(self, data):
> pos = data.find(self.productDelimiter)
> if (pos == -1):
> self.productBuffer += data
> else:
> self.productBuffer += data[:pos]
> reactor.callLater(0, self.processData, self.productBuffer)
> self.productBuffer = data[pos:]
> def connectionLost(self, reason):
> reactor.stop()
> def processData(self, data):
> raise NotImplementedError
>class LDMProductFactory( stdio.StandardIO ):
> def __init__(self, protocol):
> stdio.StandardIO.__init__(self, protocol)
> def connectionLost(self, reason):
> reactor.stop()
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