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20050315: bigbird and ldm6.3.0
- Subject: 20050315: bigbird and ldm6.3.0
- Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 15:26:32 -0700
Your Allow line for CRAFT data to SUNY-Albany has a ".*" pattern in it:
allow CRAFT ".*" ^(gusher\.atmos\.albany\.edu)
Allow lines do not use patterns. This should be:
allow CRAFT ^gusher\.atmos\.albany\.edu$
The previous version will have a parse error, but it is not caught
by the software leading to other problems in previous versions
such as unexpected matching or denying.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: Gerry Creager n5jxs <address@hidden>
>Organization: AATLT, Texas A&M University
>Keywords: 200503152214.j2FMECv2002117
>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Bigbird is reporting ldmd.conf errors somewhere around line 190. It
>worked fine in ldm-6.1.0, the last working iteration. I'm going back
>there for the time being.
>Gerry Creager -- address@hidden
>Texas Mesonet -- AATLT, Texas A&M University
>Cell: 979.229.5301 Office: 979.458.4020
>FAX: 979.847.8578 Pager: 979.228.0173
>Office: 903A Eller Bldg, TAMU, College Station, TX 77843
>Content-Type: text/plain;
> name="ldmd.conf.bigbird"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Disposition: inline;
> filename="ldmd.conf.bigbird"
># $Id: ldmd.conf,v 1.18 2003/02/27 17:12:57 steve Exp $
># Sample ldmd.conf for ldm5
># This is the main configuration file for the LDM server. All lines that start
># with a "#" sign are comments.
># To debug an LDM that hangs on start up, run the following from LDM home:
># % bin/rpc.ldmd -vl - -q data/ldm.pq etc/ldmd.conf
># If the LDM still hangs, comment out all lines in this file except noted
># allow line entry below, try again.
> #
># WARNING: Pathological Product-ID Patterns
> #
># The REQUEST and ACCEPT entries both have product-ID patterns that are regula
> r
># expressions (RE-s). It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that these patterns not have
> a
># ".*" prefix because: 1) such a prefix accomplishes nothing (i.e., the set of
># possible matches is unaltered by the prefix); and 2) such a prefix causes th
> e
># RE to take MUCH, MUCH LONGER TO EXECUTE (by 3 orders of magnitude in many
># cases). Therefore, DO NOT USE RE-s like
># ".*UFPBA"
># Instead, simply use
># "UFPBA"
># The regex(1) utility of this package can be used to examine the efficiency
># of an RE.
> #
># Exec Entries
> #
># Programs that can share a queue with rpc.ldmd server, these programs
># are started by the "exec" command and are in the same process group.
># Regarding pqbinstats, while pqbinstats will generate .stats files in
># your logs directory, it is necessary to also run 'ldmadmin dostats'
># once per hour via cron in order to email the stats to the UPC and
># remove the .stats files that are no longer needed. See
># http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/packages/ldm/ldmConfigInstallList.html#s7
># for more information.
># exec "pqbinstats"
># rtstats uses the LDM to send product latency statistics to the UPC.
># We are currently evolving from pqbinstats to rtstats, but in the
># mean time we hope sites will run both. For more info on rtstats
># please see the man page.
>exec "xcd_run MONITOR"
>exec "rtstats -h rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu"
>exec "pqact -f ANY-NNEXRAD-CRAFT-NIMAGE etc/pqact.gempak_decode
> rs"
>exec "pqact -f WMO etc/pqact.gempak_nwx"
>exec "pqact -f MCIDAS|NIMAGE etc/pqact.gempak_images
> "
>exec "pqact -f NNEXRAD|WSI|FNEXRAD etc/pqact.gempak_nexrad
> .tamu"
>exec "pqact -f CRAFT -p BZIP2/K[A-D] etc/pqact.gempak_craft.
> tamu"
>exec "pqact -f CRAFT -p BZIP2/K[E-H] etc/pqact.gempak_craft.
> tamu"
>exec "pqact -f CRAFT -p BZIP2/K[I-K] etc/pqact.gempak_craft.
> tamu"
>exec "pqact -f CRAFT -p BZIP2/K[L-O] etc/pqact.gempak_craft.
> tamu"
>exec "pqact -f CRAFT -p BZIP2/K[P-R] etc/pqact.gempak_craft.
> tamu"
>exec "pqact -f CRAFT -p BZIP2/K[S-Z] etc/pqact.gempak_craft.
> tamu"
>exec "pqact -f WMO etc/pqact.conf"
>exec "pqact -f FSL2 -p FSL.CompressedNetCDF.MADIS etc/pqact.MADIS"
># exec "pqsurf"
> #
># Request Entries
> #
># LDM5 servers request data from Data Sources
># request <feedset> <pattern> <hostname pattern>
># CONDUIT - NCEP high resolution model output
>request CONDUIT ".*" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
># CRAFT - NEXRAD Level II data (from OU)
>#request CRAFT ".*" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
>request CRAFT ".*"
>request CRAFT ".*"
>request CRAFT ".*"
>request CRAFT ".*"
>request CRAFT ".*"
>request CRAFT ".*"
>#request`CRAFT ".*" atm.geo.nsf.gov
># HDS - NOAAPORT model output
># IDS|DDPLUS - NOAAPORT global observations
>request WMO ".*" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
># DIFAX - DIFAX-like products produced at University of Wisconsin
># FNEXRAD - NEXRAD floaters and NEXRAD composites
># FSL2 - NOAA/FSL wind profiler data
># UNIWISC - Unidata-Wisconsin satellite image sectors (typically GOES)
>request DIFAX|FNEXRAD|FSL2|UNIWISC ".*" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
>#request FSL2 ".*" mesodata.tamu.edu
>request FSL2 ".*" eldm.fsl.noaa.gov
>request FSL3 ".*" eldm.fsl.noaa.gov
># NIMAGE - NOAAPORT satellite imagery in GINI format
>request NIMAGE ".*" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
>request NNEXRAD ".*" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
>request NNEXRAD ".*" atm.geo.nsf.gov
># NLDN - lightning data from SUNY Albany
>#request NLDN ".*" mesodata.tamu.edu
># ACARS - ACARS data from NOAA FSL
>request PCWS "FSL\.CompressedNetCDF\.MADIS\.(acars|acarsProfiles)"
> eldm.fsl.noaa.gov
>request EXP "TTU*"
>request EXP "TTU*" wnnh002.wind.ttu.edu PRIMARY
> #
># Allow Entries
> #
># Giving permission for a Data Sink to perform a request to your LDM
># allow <feedset> <hostname pattern>
># Giving permission to your own machine and Unidata
># Under no circumstances comment out the next allow entry to localhost
># The LDM will NOT start if the lines are commented out.
>allow ANY
> ^((localhost|loopback)|(127\.0\.0\.1\.?$)|([a-z].*\.unidata\.ucar\.edu\.?$
> ))
># Tyler Allison/Ham Radio
>allow NNEXRAD ^((65\.98\.69\.206)|(home\.allisonhouse\.com)|(allisonhouse\.co
> m))
>allow FNEXRAD ^((65\.98\.69\.206)|(home\.allisonhouse\.com)|(allisonhouse\.co
> m))
>allow CRAFT ^((65\.98\.69\.206)|(home\.allisonhouse\.com)|(allisonhouse\.co
> m))
>allow NIMAGE ^((65\.98\.69\.206)|(home\.allisonhouse\.com)|(allisonhouse\.co
> m))
>allow NNEXRAD ^((65\.98\.84\.58)|(nexrad\.allisonhouse\.com))
>allow FNEXRAD ^((65\.98\.84\.58)|(nexrad\.allisonhouse\.com))
>allow CRAFT ^((65\.98\.84\.58)|(nexrad\.allisonhouse\.com))
>allow NIMAGE ^((65\.98\.84\.58)|(nexrad\.allisonhouse\.com))
># mesodata, bigfoot, anyone else on campus
>allow ANY ^((128\.194\.140\.23)|(165\.91\.140\.32)|(mesodata3\.tamu\.edu)
> |(mesodata\.tamu\.edu)|(bigfoot\.tamu\.edu)|([a-z].*\.tamu\.edu)|(sasquatch\.
> tamu\.edu))
>allow ANY ^((165\.91\.140\.16)|(gemdata3\.tamu\.edu))
>allow ANY ^((165\.91\.83\.15)|(gemdata2\.tamu\.edu))
># Add entries for Net10 access to the feed
>allow ANY ^((10\.2\.9\.31)|(10\.2\.9\.30)|(10\.2\.9\.20))
>#allow ANY ^(165\.91\.83\.30)
># Robert Dewey: ###
>allow ANY-NLDN-WSI ^(69\.14\.190\.10)
># Texas Tech
>allow ANY-NLDN ^((wnnh002\.wind\.ttu\.edu)|(129\.118\.105\.23))
>#allow ANY ^(sasquatch\.tamu\.edu)
># Another hobbyist feed
>allow ANY-NLDN ^((weather\.hopto\.org)|([a-z].*\.comcast\.net))
># SUNY-Albany
>allow CRAFT ".*" ^(gusher\.atmos\.albany\.edu)
># CRAFT - NEXRAD Level II relay
>allow ANY-GEM-NLDN-PCWS-WSI \.edu$
># TVS Jr.
>allow ANY-NLDN-WSI ^((www\.tvsjr\.com)|(69\.41\.225\.200))
>### Massachusetts Skywarn (Ray Weber KA1JJM)
>allow CRAFT ^((151\.203\.175\.233))
> #
># Accept Entries
> #
># ACCEPT: Who can feed us, currently this action is ONLY needed for WSI data
># accept <feedset> <pattern> <hostname pattern>
># accept anything from yourself
>#accept ANY ".*" ^((localhost|loopback)|(127\.0\.0\.1\.?$))
># accept from your upstream site
># WSI is using ldm4 protocol so the accept is still required
>#accept WSI
># .*
># ^[a-z].*\.uni\.wsicorp\.com$
> #
># End
> #
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available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.