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20040511: LDM - Linux RH 9 - Suggested Scour Improvement (cont.)
- Subject: 20040511: LDM - Linux RH 9 - Suggested Scour Improvement (cont.)
- Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 12:46:02 -0600
>From: "Tom Baltzer" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200405101845.i4AIjNLr023943 LDM scour
Hi Tom,
Original message:
>> >Institution: Unidata
>> >Package Version: 6.0.14
>> >Operating System: Linux RH 9
>> >Hardware Information: AMD Dual 2.6 Gig processors, 1 Gig Memory
>> >Inquiry: I'd like to suggest that in addition to checking for the
>> existence
>> >of files more recent than the .scour file placed in a given directory,
>> that
>> >the configuration file be checked to see if it is more recent than the
>> .scour
>> >file as well.
>> I am confused by this. .scour files are created/maintained in directories
>> that get scoured. Which .scour file are you referring to?
>I am referring to the interplay between .scour files and the scour.conf
>file. The current implementation is such that if the LDM is not running,
>scour has been run since the LDM was stopped (i.e. there are no files more
>recent than the .scour file in the directory to be scoured), and a user
>updates the scour.conf file to reduce the # of days files are held in a
>given directory and then runs ldmadmin scour it does nothing because there
>are no files in the directory newer than the .scour file. If the scour
>script also checked if the scour.conf file is newer than the .scour file
>then it would (correctly in my opinion) scour the directory as newly
>requested in the scour.conf file.
The reason I asked is that you made a comment about .scour twice. You
did not comment about scour.conf.
>Hope that helps,
It does now, yes.
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>From address@hidden Tue May 11 13:21:12 2004
Hi Tom,
Well to be persnickety - I mentioned "the configuration file" generally
rather than scour.conf specifically because it could have any name passed
into the scour script and I wanted to emphasize to check the date of the
configuration file regardless of its name. You are quite right that I would
have been clearer by first indicating the "scour configuration file" and/or
making scour.conf a parenthetical to "the configuration file" in my initial
> It does now, yes.
Great! Thanks!