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20031219: ldmadmin command
- Subject: 20031219: ldmadmin command
- Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 08:46:54 -0700
>From: Ken Scheeringa <address@hidden>
>Organization: Purdue
>Keywords: 200312191535.hBJFZup2013374 LDM ldmadmin
>I have used the 'ldmadmin start' command for years to start up
>an LDM feed from my upstream host, but this command no longer
>seems to work.
The starting of the LDM is still done by running 'ldmadmin start'.
>My upstream has told me I now need to use the
>'notifyme' command to start up the feed.
You have been misinformed. You use 'notifyme' to interrogate an LDM
server to see what data it is receiving. The server can be your own, or
one at a remote site that is configured to 'allow' access by the
machine you are running your LDM on.
>This seems to work interactively, but what would this command
>line look like in an /etc/rc.local script at system startup?
Again, nothing has changed with respect to starting the LDM.
>I have tried this:
>~ldm/bin/notifyme -v -l - -h f5.aos.wisc.edu > /dev/null 2>&1
>but this ties up the system console.
This does not transfer data. It only lists the metadata that a server
is receiving.
>How do I get this to work just like the old ldmadmin command did
>at system startup to run all the pq processes in the background?
You still use 'ldmadmin start' to start the LDM. If this is not
working, it means that you have some other problem with your setup.
One possible failure scenario is your LDM queue being damaged. If your
LDM queue has been damaged, then you will need to delete and remake
your queue to get things working again:
ldmadmin stop <- just to make sure
ldmadmin delqueue <- delete the existing queue
ldmadmin mkqueue <- this can take some time depending on your queue
size and the speed of your machine
ldmadmin start
Tom Yoksas
>From address@hidden Fri Dec 19 09:12:27 2003
Deleting and remaking the LDM queue solved the problem.
And you are correct, ldmadmin works as it always has.
I informed my upstream of this.
I rarely have problems with the LDM queue so I had
forgotten all about remaking it.
Thanks for the help!
>From address@hidden Fri Dec 19 09:54:46 2003
In a previous message to me, you wrote:
>Hi Pete,
>I have not received any LDM traffic from f5
>since 6Z. Could you please check on this for me?
I don't see any evidence of a failure on f5.. I've been getting data
all night long. Here's a list of purdue events from my ldmd.log
file, looks like maybe the queue on shadow got corrupted?
Are you getting data now? Maybe try rebuilding the queue and see
if that solves it.
[root@f5 logs]# grep -i shadow ~ldm/logs/ldmd.log
Dec 19 04:22:09 f5 shadow(feed)[28255]: h_clnt_call: shadow.agry.purdue.edu:
COMINGSOON: time elapsed 22.888688
Dec 19 04:28:53 f5 shadow(feed)[28255]: h_clnt_call: shadow.agry.purdue.edu: 1:
time elapsed 33.824095
Dec 19 04:48:21 f5 shadow(feed)[28255]: h_clnt_call: shadow.agry.purdue.edu: 1:
time elapsed 22.819573
Dec 19 05:34:14 f5 shadow(feed)[28255]: h_clnt_call: shadow.agry.purdue.edu: 1:
time elapsed 24.464122
Dec 19 06:05:06 f5 shadow(feed)[28255]: SRUS73 KFSD 190603 /pRR79V9: RPC: Timed
out (5)
Dec 19 06:05:06 f5 shadow(feed)[28255]: pq_sequence failed: Input/output error
(errno = 5)
Dec 19 06:25:32 f5 shadow(feed)[14329]: Starting Up(6.0.14/5):
20031219060352.862 TS_ENDT {{DDPLUS, ".*"},{IDS, ".*"},{HDS, ".*"}}
Dec 19 06:25:32 f5 shadow(feed)[14329]: topo: shadow.agry.purdue.edu WMO
Dec 19 06:28:10 f5 shadow(feed)[14329]: SFAZ58 KWAL 190607: RPC: Timed out (5)
Dec 19 06:28:10 f5 shadow(feed)[14329]: pq_sequence failed: Input/output error
(errno = 5)
Dec 19 15:04:36 f5 shadow(feed)[9409]: Starting Up(6.0.14/5):
20031219135650.336 TS_ENDT {{DDPLUS, ".*"},{IDS, ".*"},{HDS, ".*"}}
Dec 19 15:04:36 f5 shadow(feed)[9409]: topo: shadow.agry.purdue.edu WMO
Dec 19 15:06:49 f5 shadow(noti)[9787]: Starting Up(6.0.14/5):
20031219145944.329 TS_ENDT {{DIFAX|WMO, ".*"}}
Dec 19 15:06:49 f5 shadow(noti)[9787]: topo: shadow.agry.purdue.edu DIFAX|WMO
Dec 19 15:06:54 f5 shadow(noti)[9787]: SIVF30 KWBC 191500: RPC: Unable to
Dec 19 15:06:54 f5 shadow(noti)[9787]: pq_sequence failed: Input/output error
(errno = 5)
Dec 19 15:13:20 f5 shadow(noti)[10663]: Starting Up(6.0.14/5):
20031219150614.151 TS_ENDT {{DIFAX|WMO, ".*"}}
Dec 19 15:13:20 f5 shadow(noti)[10663]: topo: shadow.agry.purdue.edu DIFAX|WMO
Dec 19 15:13:31 f5 shadow(noti)[10663]: SXUS20 KILM 191505 /pOMRILM: RPC:
Unable to receive
Dec 19 15:13:31 f5 shadow(noti)[10663]: pq_sequence failed: Input/output error
(errno = 5)
Dec 19 15:13:46 f5 shadow(noti)[10699]: Starting Up(6.0.14/5):
20031219150641.270 TS_ENDT {{DIFAX|WMO, ".*"}}
Dec 19 15:13:46 f5 shadow(noti)[10699]: topo: shadow.agry.purdue.edu DIFAX|WMO
Dec 19 15:19:42 f5 shadow(feed)[9409]: YHRE10 KWBE 191200 /mETA_84
!grib/ncep/ETA_84/#212/200312191200/F024/HGT/100 mb/ : RPC: Unable to receive
Dec 19 15:19:42 f5 shadow(feed)[9409]: pq_sequence failed: Input/output error
(errno = 5)
Dec 19 15:20:01 f5 shadow(noti)[11459]: Starting Up(6.0.14/5):
20031219151255.295 TS_ENDT {{DIFAX|WMO, ".*"}}
Dec 19 15:20:01 f5 shadow(noti)[11459]: topo: shadow.agry.purdue.edu DIFAX|WMO
Dec 19 15:20:18 f5 shadow(noti)[11459]: ZHRS20 KWBE 191200 /mETA_84
!grib/ncep/ETA_84/#212/200312191200/F057/HGT/200 mb/ : RPC: Unable to receive
Dec 19 15:20:18 f5 shadow(noti)[11459]: pq_sequence failed: Input/output error
(errno = 5)
Dec 19 15:20:38 f5 shadow(noti)[11525]: Starting Up(6.0.14/5):
20031219151332.617 TS_ENDT {{DIFAX|WMO, ".*"}}
Dec 19 15:20:38 f5 shadow(noti)[11525]: topo: shadow.agry.purdue.edu DIFAX|WMO
Dec 19 16:03:29 f5 shadow(feed)[19032]: Starting Up(6.0.14/5):
20031219145622.524 TS_ENDT {{DDPLUS, ".*"},{IDS, ".*"},{HDS, ".*"}}
Dec 19 16:03:29 f5 shadow(feed)[19032]: topo: shadow.agry.purdue.edu WMO
Dec 19 16:03:30 f5 shadow(feed)[19032]: JUSA41 KWNO 191400 !bufr/: RPC: Unable
to send (3)
Dec 19 16:03:30 f5 shadow(feed)[19032]: pq_sequence failed: Input/output error
(errno = 5)
Dec 19 16:03:45 f5 shadow(feed)[19733]: Starting Up(6.0.14/5):
20031219145529.967 TS_ENDT {{DDPLUS, ".*"},{IDS, ".*"},{HDS, ".*"}}
Dec 19 16:03:45 f5 shadow(feed)[19733]: topo: shadow.agry.purdue.edu WMO
Dec 19 16:03:45 f5 shadow(feed)[19733]: NXUS64 KLIX 191459 /pGSMLIX: RPC:
Unable to receive (4)
Dec 19 16:03:45 f5 shadow(feed)[19733]: pq_sequence failed: Input/output error
(errno = 5)
^ Pete Pokrandt V 1447 AOSS Bldg 1225 W Dayton St^
^ Systems Programmer V Madison, WI 53706 ^
^ V address@hidden ^
^ Dept of Atmos & Oceanic Sciences V (608) 262-3086 (Phone/voicemail) ^
^ University of Wisconsin-Madison V 262-0166 (Fax) ^