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- Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:00:07 -0600
> To: "'address@hidden'" <address@hidden>
> From: "HOETH, BRIAN R. (JSC-ZS) (LM)" <address@hidden>
> Subject: LDM pre-installation and installation instructions
> Organization: NASA
The above message contained the following:
> I was thinking that it should probably be mentioned somewhere
> in the pre-installation or installation instructions that
> "runtime" should be linked to the LDM version that you want to
> run. For example, perhaps in the pre-installation instructions at
> http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/ldm/ldm-6.0.14/install/pre
> instal l-steps.html, you should add to the beginning of step 4:
> ln -s {ldm version} runtime
> where {ldm version} is the version you which to run (e.g. ldm-6.0.14).
> It just seems to me that it's not very clear anywhere that "runtime"
> is linked to the LDM version you are wanting to run, perhaps I am
> wrong though?
This is an good idea. I've added a section on this to the "Configuring
an installed LDM" link. It should be available within an hour.
Thanks for the feedback.
> Brian Hoeth
> Spaceflight Meteorology Group
> Johnson Space Center
> Ph: 281-483-3246
> Ops: 281-483-1051
Steve Emmerson