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20030618: Problem re-starting data filing after upgrade (cont.)
- Subject: 20030618: Problem re-starting data filing after upgrade (cont.)
- Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 07:41:59 -0600
>From: "Kevin Polston" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NOAA/NWSTC
>Keywords: 200306162216.h5GMG0Ld014327 LDM-6 installation GEMPAK decoding
Hi Kevin,
>First of all let me say I am not sure if the real-time statistics have
>been set. I had a friend help me install the new LDM.
Since we are not receiving the stats, I have to assume that they are
not; that there is some problem in the exec line that runs them if
they were; or that your machine can not resolve our stats server
name, rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu.
Please check this out by:
1) log onto the machine as the user running the LDM (typically 'ldm')
2) cd ~ldm/etc
3) edit ldmd.conf and make sure that you have a line that reads:
exec "rtstats -h rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu"
Make sure that this line is not commented out.
4) if you made any changes to ldmd.conf, stop and restart your LDM
5) use the 'ps' utility to see if rtstats is running:
ps -aux | grep rtstats
If it is not running, go back to step 3) and try again.
>When i run ldmadmin watch I see all the products go by so that means I
>am receiving products...correct?
>I will try to answer the questions you sent me....to see if that can
>help you.
>1) My pqact is running since I am getting images and also text data for
>2) my pqact.conf file is ok because when I run ldmadmin pqactcheck I get
>the "everything is ok" reply.
This is good to know.
>3)Yes...I think only my GEMPAK decode actions are not running. This
>would then suggest, as you mentioned, that some environmental variable
>data is not set correctly.
Or, it could mean that GEMPAK is not installed correctly on your
machine; that the GEMPAK decoders can not be found; or that the LDM
does not have write permission to the directories the GEMPAK decoders
need to create output in; or that the GEMPAK tables used in the
decoding can not be found. Again, I am no expert in setting up GEMPAK
decoding, and Chiz is out of town.
>4) I am over 90% sure that the user runnign the LDM can write to the
>directories that the GEMPAK decoders want to write them to. I say this
>because I have it set up that my owner name is either GEMPAK or LDM and
>the user name is "users". So I should be able to write to the
This is a little confusing probably because of terminology. In
Unix/Linux each user has a user name and is put into a group. When one
does a long listing of a directory, the owner of files user and group
names will be listed beside each file name. Now, if you started
setting up accounts in one way and then changed at some point, you
could end up with some files owned by a particular user, but the group
name might be different (if you changed the group setup, for
instance). You might be misled into thinking that since the same user
owned the files/directories that s/he could write to them, but the
different group associated with the files would prevent that. I have
seen this happen on several user's systems over the years, so it is
something to look out for.
>However....after having messed around some more to try and get thinsg
>working when I restart LDM here is a smaple of what I am getting in my
>ldmd.log file:
>Jun 18 04:24:23 localhost pqact[1165]: pipe_dbufput:
> mpak/tables/usr1/nawips/metdat/gempak/surface/YYYYMMDD_sb.gem
>write error
>Jun 18 04:24:29 localhost pqact[1165]: pbuf_flush (10) write: Broken
This says one of two things:
- the decoder dmsfc is not executable
- dmsfc can not write to the directory it needs to create output in
>Jun 18 04:24:29 localhost pqact[1165]: pipe_dbufput:
> g/usr1/nawips/metdat/gempak/acft/YYYYMMDDHH_acf.gem
>write error
>Jun 18 04:24:29 localhost pqact[1165]: pipe_prodput: trying again
>Jun 18 04:24:29 localhost pqact[1165]: pbuf_flush (10) write: Broken
>Jun 18 04:24:29 localhost pqact[1165]: pipe_dbufput:
> g/usr1/nawips/metdat/gempak/acft/YYYYMMDDHH_acf.gem
>write error
>Jun 18 04:24:31 localhost pqact[1165]: pbuf_flush (5) write: Broken pipe
Ditto on these log entries.
>As for installing on a new machine.....well I had been running nawips
>5.6h on this machine previously before upgrading to nawips 5.6j. It is a
>newer machine and the older machine is still running as well.
>However....I am not having any problems with the older machine since I
>am still running nawips5.6h on it but yet upgraded to the new LDM on it
>as well.
So the failure is associated with the upgrade of NAWIPS, not the installation
of a new LDM.
>So, it must be some environmental variable data but I am not
>sure what is wrong. I guess I am not as much of a linux power user as I
>thought I was....and I was beginning to think I had this down (at least
>a little bit). :-)
I would review the GEMPAK installation instructions carefully and look
for a small mistake somewhere.
>Just to save time in case you ask I will attach my .Common.cshrc file
>and my Nawips.cshrc file and my Gemenviron file for you to persue over .
>Perhaps you might see something in there that is messed up.
As I have said, I am not versed in GEMPAK installation, so this would
be lost on me.
>Thanks for your help Tom...I appreciate it.
Please check your machine's ldmd.conf file and make sure that it is
setup to report real time statistics.
# Gemenviron file for GEMPAK 5.6
# Sets environment variables used in running GEMPAK
# UNIDATA Program Center 6/1/92 (PB)
# Revised 8/31/94 for GEMPAK 5.2
# Modified 12/95 for Gempak5.2.1/Nawips (Chiz)
# Modified 8/96 for Gempak5.4/NAWIPS (Chiz)
# Modified 10/00 for Gempak5.6/NAWIPS (Chiz)
# The command
# source Gemenviron
# or the individual lines below, must be included in your .login or
# .cshrc file!
# To build GEMPAK on your system, you should set the NAWIPS variable
# below to the top level of the source distribution tree on your system.
# Please configure the following definitions to reflect your system:
# Top level directory:
setenv NAWIPS /home/gempak/GEMPAK5.6
# Path for Garp tables and configuration. You should only have to
# modify GARP_PATH if you have unique Garp_defaults for specifc
# data sets, such as case studies. In those cases, creating
# a ntl.case startup script which sets those local environmental variables
# is generally the best solution.
setenv GARPHOME $NAWIPS/comet/garp
setenv GARP_PATH $GARPHOME/config
# Uncomment the following line for using GCC compilers (Solaris only)
# set USEGCC_SOL=1
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make sure NAWIPS directory exists
if ( ! -d $NAWIPS ) then
echo "Can not find NAWIPS distribution."
echo 'Check Gemenviron NAWIPS definition ->' $NAWIPS
unsetenv NAWIPS
#try to determine operating system: command uname must be in path
if($?NA_OS == 0) then
set TMP_OS=`uname -s | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
switch ($TMP_OS)
case "aix":
setenv NA_OS "aix"
case hp-ux:
set OS_MAJOR=`uname -r | cut -f1,2 -d.`
if($OS_MAJOR == 'B.11') then
setenv NA_OS "hpux"
case irix64:
setenv XCFLAGS "-o32"
case irix:
setenv NA_OS "irix"
case osf1:
setenv NA_OS "osf"
uac p noprint # supress warnings in xw driver for unaligned access
case sunos:
set OS_MAJOR=`uname -r | sed 's/\..*//'`
set HARDWARE=`uname -i | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
setenv NA_OS "sunos"
if(($OS_MAJOR == 5)&&($?USEGCC_SOL)) then
setenv NA_OS "sol_gcc"
setenv NA_OS "sol"
if(($NA_OS == 'sol')&&($HARDWARE == 'i86pc')) then
setenv NA_OS "x86"
case ultrix:
setenv NA_OS "ultrix"
case linux:
setenv NA_OS "linux"
case default:
echo "trouble determining operating system configuration"
echo "OS reported $TMP_OS"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# GEMPAK directory:
setenv GEMPAK $NAWIPS/gempak
setenv GEMPAKHOME $NAWIPS/gempak
setenv CONFIGDIR $NAWIPS/config
# Directory for storing object libraries (GEMPAK + related software):
setenv GEMLIB $NAWIPS/lib/${NA_OS}
# Directory for executables (GEMPAK + related software):
setenv GEMEXE $NAWIPS/bin/${NA_OS}
# Remaining directories used by GEMPAK (leave as is):
setenv GEMPDF $GEMPAK/pdf
setenv GEMTBL $GEMPAK/tables
setenv GEMERR $GEMPAK/error
setenv GEMHLP $GEMPAK/help
setenv GEMMAPS $GEMPAK/maps
setenv GEMNTS $GEMPAK/nts
setenv GEMPARM $GEMPAK/parm
setenv GEMPTXT $GEMPAK/txt/programs
setenv GEMGTXT $GEMPAK/txt/gemlib
# NAWIPS specific directories
setenv NAWIPS_INC $NAWIPS/include
setenv NMAP_RESTORE $GEMNTS/nmap/restore
# MEL_BUFR environment
setenv MEL_BUFR $GEMPAK/source/melbufr
setenv MEL_BUFR_TABLES $GEMPAK/tables/melbufr
setenv BRDGDIR $NAWIPS/unidata/ldmbridge
# Add NAWIPS to the X applications resource path.
set xresources=""
if ( -d $NAWIPS/resource ) then
set xresources="$NAWIPS/resource/%N"
setenv XUSERFILESEARCHPATH $xresources
# Set PATH to include $GEMEXE
setenv SCRIPTS_EXE $NAWIPS/bin/scripts
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Data directories, either real time or the Hurricane Bob sample data set:
# setenv GEMDATA $GEMPAK/data
setenv GEMDATA /data/ldm/gempak
# Location of meta files (generated with NC decide driver)
# Location of text bulletins for use with NWX
# These are used by NAFOS (not supported by Unidata)
# setenv AFOS_BITMAPS $NAWIPS/nprogs/afos/bitmaps
# setenv AFOS_DATA $NAWIPS/tmp
# setenv AFOS_LOG $NAWIPS/tmp
# setenv AFOS_BIN $NAWIPS/tmp
# Used by Nalarm (path component /nawips is added automatically by program).
# Write products into $GEMDATA/alarms/nawips for display.
setenv AFOS_ALARMS $GEMDATA/alarms/
# Location of NSAT directory tree "Required!!"...must exist
setenv SAT $GEMDATA/images/sat
setenv RAD $GEMDATA/nexrad
# Below follow variables for data locations (site specific)
# Not required for NAWIPS, but may be used in scripts etc.
setenv LDMDATA /data/ldm
setenv GOES8 $SAT/GOES-8
setenv GOES9 $SAT/GOES-9
setenv HDS $GEMDATA/hds
setenv MODEL $GEMDATA/model
setenv SFCOA $METDAT/gempak/oagrids
setenv SAO $GEMDATA/surface
setenv UPA $GEMDATA/upperair
setenv RAW_SAO $LDMDATA/surface/sao
setenv RAW_SYN $LDMDATA/surface/syn
setenv RAW_UPA $LDMDATA/upperair
setenv NLDN $GEMDATA/nldn
setenv TORN_WARN $TEXT_DATA/watch_warn/torn_warn
setenv TSTRM_WARN $TEXT_DATA/watch_warn/tstrm_warn
setenv TEXT_WARN $TEXT_DATA/watch_warn
setenv RBKGPH $GEMDATA/redbook
if($?HOME) then
# Print command and flags for systems
setenv LP "lp -c"
setenv LPFLAG "-d"
#!/bin/csh -f
# cshrc file for NAWIPS usage
# Please read all the comments below and when requested,
# make changes to reflect your system set-up.
# Log
# R.Miller/NWS ??
# P.Bruehl/NWS 11/95 Revised for 5.2.1, documented
# P.Bruehl/NWS 10/96 Updated for 5.4
# P.Bruehl/NWS 12/96 LINUX version
# R.Rozumalski 01/00 Consolidated HPUX and LINUX versions
# R.Rozumalski 10/00 Updated for 5.6
# Note: the environment variable $NA_OS must be set
# to the operating system (i.e. hpux) before this file is
# sourced. Normally, it is set in Common.cshrc.
# You SHOULD NOT have to edit anything in this file. The only
# exception is if you have the modsnd distribution located
# somewhere other than $NAWIPS/modsnd. If this is the case
# either move the modsnd directory to $NAWIPS or edit the appropriate
# lines below.
# Make sure $NAWIPS is defined in Common.cshrc file.
if ( ! $?NAWIPS) then
setenv NAWIPS `pwd`
echo " "
echo "NAWIPS is not correctly set. Please define"
echo "NAWIPS in your Common.cshrc file."
echo " "
echo "Using $NAWIPS for now."
echo " "
# Define the root directory of the NAWIPS distribution
setenv GARPHOME $NAWIPS/garp
setenv GARP_PATH $GARPHOME/config
# Make sure NAWIPS directory exists
if ( ! -d $NAWIPS ) then
echo "Can not find NAWIPS distribution--Check directory and"
echo "modify Nawips.cshrc"
unsetenv NAWIPS
# Define the root of the data directory tree--only if it has
# not previously been defined. Normally this directory is
# defined in Common.cshrc
# If $METDAT has NOT been defined, this sets it to the sample
# data directory tree included in the NAWIPS 5.2.1 distribution
if ( ! $?METDAT) setenv METDAT $NAWIPS/metdat
# Add NAWIPS executables & scripts to the end of the existing path
set path = ( $path $NAWIPS/exe/${NA_OS} $NAWIPS/exe/scripts/soosac \
$NAWIPS/exe/scripts/comet $NAWIPS/exe/scripts/nawips \
$NAWIPS/exe/scripts/ez )
# If you have installed MODSND then include the directory in your path.
# If the location of modsnd on your machine is not in the same place as
# indicated below, then change it.
if ( -d $NAWIPS/modsnd ) then
set path = ( $path $NAWIPS/modsnd )
# Add NAWIPS to the X applications resource path.
set xresources=""
if ( -d $NAWIPS/resource ) then
set xresources="$NAWIPS/resource/%N"
# NAWIPS env variables.
# No need to change these, unless you have a good reason
setenv CONFIGDIR $NAWIPS/config
setenv NAWIPS_INC $NAWIPS/include
# GUI Program specific variables
setenv NTRANS $NAWIPS/nprogs/ntrans
setenv AFOS $NAWIPS/nprogs/afos
setenv AFOS_BITMAPS $AFOS/bitmaps
setenv NSAT $NAWIPS/nprogs/nsat
setenv NWX $NAWIPS/nprogs/nwx
setenv NTL $NAWIPS/nprogs/ntl
# GEMPAK specific variables
setenv GEMPAK $NAWIPS/gempak
setenv GEMLIB $NAWIPS/lib/$NA_OS
setenv GEM_OS $NA_OS
setenv GEMDATA $GEMPAK/data
setenv GEMPDF $GEMPAK/pdf
setenv GEMNTS $GEMPAK/nts
setenv GEMTBL $GEMPAK/tables
setenv GEMERR $GEMPAK/error
setenv GEMHLP $GEMPAK/help
setenv GEMMAPS $NAWIPS/gempak/maps
setenv GEMPARM $GEMPAK/parm
setenv GEMPTXT $GEMPAK/txt/programs
setenv GEMGTXT $GEMPAK/txt/gemlib
setenv NMAP_RESTORE $GEMNTS/nmap/restore
# Data
setenv TEXT_DATA $NADATA/nwx
setenv NWX_TABLES $NAWIPS/tables/nwx
setenv SAT $NADATA/images/sat
setenv GOES8 $SAT/GOES-8
setenv GOES9 $SAT/GOES-9
setenv RAD $NADATA/images/radar
setenv HDS $NADATA/hds
setenv SFCOA $NADATA/gempak/oagrids
setenv MODEL $NADATA/gempak/grids
setenv OBS $NADATA/weather
setenv SAO_GEM_DATA $NADATA/gempak/surface
setenv UPA_GEM_DATA $NADATA/gempak/upperair
setenv TORN_WARN $TEXT_DATA/watch_warn/torn_warn
setenv TSTRM_WARN $TEXT_DATA/watch_warn/tstrm_warn
setenv RBKGPH $GEMDATA/redbook
setenv AFOS_DATA $NADATA/raw/afos/afos_data
setenv AFOS_BIN $NADATA/raw/afos/afos_bin
setenv AFOS_LOG $NADATA/raw/afos/afos_log
setenv AFOS_ALARMS $NADATA/raw/afos/afos_alarms
if($?HOME) then
# Done
#!/bin/csh -f
# cshrc file for Common usage
# Please read all the comments below and when requested,
# make changes to reflect your system set-up.
# Log
# R.Miller/NWS ??
# P.Bruehl/NWS 11/95 Revised for 5.2.1, documented
# P.Bruehl/NWS 10/96 Updated for 5.4
# P.Bruehl/NWS 4/97 Updated to support Linux
# R.Rozumalski 1/00 Added Workstation Eta support
# Set file permission mask (-rwxr-x-r-x)
umask 022
# Define system type.
setenv OS `/bin/uname -s`
# Set the DISPLAY variable if it isn't set
setenv HOMEHOST ""
# Set your default printer (Berkeley and System 5 unix)
# "hp4" is just an example--add your printer name here
# and uncomment the following two lines
#setenv PRINTER hp4
# Define the location of the NAWIPS, WS ETA, and RTDATA
# distributions. Note that this has changes from previous
# versions of the Common.cshrc file.
switch ($OS)
case "HP-UX":
case "HPUX":
setenv NAWIPS /usr1/nawips
setenv METDAT $NAWIPS/metdat
setenv RTDATA $NAWIPS/gribmaster2.1
setenv WS_ETA /usr1/worketa
case "Linux":
setenv NAWIPS /usr1/nawips
setenv METDAT $NAWIPS/metdat
setenv RTDATA $NAWIPS/gribmaster2.1
setenv GMASTER /usr1/nawips/gribmaster
setenv GRIB_PATH /usr1/nawips/metdat/raw/grib
setenv WS_ETA /usr1/worketa
setenv NAWIPS /usr1/nawips
setenv METDAT $NAWIPS/metdat
setenv RTDATA $NAWIPS/gribmaster2.1
setenv WS_ETA /usr1/worketa
# Define the OS type
set TMP_OS=`uname -s | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`
setenv NA_OS $TMP_OS
setenv ETA_OS $TMP_OS
set comp_path = ()
# Some standatrd vi editor defaults. If you uncomment
# this setting, it will override your .exrc file
#setenv EXINIT "set ic nowrapscan showmode|map t :'a,'b"
# Make OS-specific definitions
# Do not change these unless you're absolutely sure.
switch ($OS)
case "HP-UX":
case "HPUX":
setenv ARCH hp
setenv OS HPUX
setenv MANPATH
setenv F77_FLAG "+E4 +E6"
setenv CC_FLAG ""
setenv F77_LINK ""
# set comp_path = ( /opt/ansic/bin /opt/fortran/bin
/opt/fortran90/bin )
case "Linux":
setenv ARCH linux
setenv MANPATH
setenv F77_FLAG "+E4 +E6"
setenv CC_FLAG ""
setenv F77_LINK ""
setenv PGI /usr/pgi
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE $PGI/license.dat
setenv ABSOFT /usr/absoft
# set comp_path = ( $ABSOFT/bin $PGI/linux86/bin )
echo ".cshrc does not know about $OS type."
# Set up a default search path.
# You may add directories here, but note that order is important.
# Also, if you plan of using your compilers it is important that you
# add them you the path below. For HPUX users this will likely be
# /opt/ansic/bin, /opt/fortran90/bin, and /opt/fortran/bin . For
# LINUX users you will either use /usr/absoft/bin or $PGI/linux86/bin
# depending on the compiler. Also you will have to set the $PGI or
# $ABSOFT environmental vaiables somewhere above. By default these
# are:
set path = ( . $comp_path ~/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin/X11 \
/usr/local/X11/bin /bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/bin )
# Source GEMPAK/NAWIPS applications.
if ( -e $NAWIPS/Nawips.cshrc ) then
source $NAWIPS/Nawips.cshrc
# Source Workstation ETA applications.
if ( -e $WS_ETA/ETA.cshrc ) then
source $WS_ETA/ETA.cshrc
# X-Windows application resource search path
if ($?xresources) then
unset xresources
# Miscellaneous definitions
set filec
set cdpath = ( ~ )
set notify
set history = 200 savehist = 200
#limit coredumpsize 0
# Done!
# Check for noninteractive shell
# No need to change this
set TTY="`tty`"
if ($?0 || ! $?prompt) exit 0
if ( "$TTY" == "not a tty" ) exit 0
# Set the DISPLAY to use fastest transport available if
# sitting at the console of the workstation.
if ( "$TTY" == "/dev/console" ) then
setenv DISPLAY :0.0
# Make a failsafe setting for the DISPLAY variable if not
# a console log on.
if ( ! $?DISPLAY ) setenv DISPLAY ${HOMEHOST}:0.0
# Set prompt
set host=`hostname | cut -d"." -f1`
set prompt="`whoami`@${host}-> "