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- Subject: Re: LDM
- Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 17:53:15 -0600
Hi Louie,
There are roughly three parts to you getting and using the data. First, you
need to properly install the LDM. Then you'll need to configure it to (1)
request the subset of the CRAFT data that you need from your "upstream feed",
and (2) to run the data through a decompressor and/or file it when it arrives.
And, of course, you'll need to get a feed for the data. We can help you with
installing the LDM and configuring it. The CRAFT people can also help you with
those things, and they will be the ones to provide a feed for the data.
To install the LDM, there are installation instructions on line from the URL I
sent you earlier (http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/ldm/index.html),
including the address of our ftp site. If you get stuck, send email to our
support address: address@hidden. It will most likely be forward to
Jeff Weber, who is aware of your situation. This is our main support address
and the one you should use from this point on. Unlike sending to me directly,
there's always someone monitoring that mailbox, and mail will be forwarded to
the most appropriate person that is available.
To configure the LDM to receive the CRAFT data, see these pages:
http://caps.ou.edu/rtstats/craftfaq1.html and
http://caps.ou.edu/rtstats/craftfaq2.html. (In fact, read those right away -
they're very useful.)
After that you'll need to contact the Carl Sinclair to get a feed, whose address
is on those CRAFT pages cited above.
Just to be clear, the LDM only relays the data. The Level II data is indeed
compressed, but not by the LDM. The compression happens before the data is
ingested by the LDM. When you receive the data you'll need to run it through a
decompressor before you can use. The LDM is designed to allow you to do that
easily. The data is compressed via bzip, which comes on most UNIX boxes, so you
probably already have that piece. However, you'll need to get the intermediate
piece that groups products into scans from the CRAFT site.
I've not yet heard the LDM characterized as a "latency management package", but
one could characterize it that way. We call it a relay package.
Regarding visualization, see the section called "What software exists for
reading/viewing the data". Also, I will ask around here about what's available
- there might be other options.
Hope this helps you get started! Please take advantage of our
address@hidden address if you have any questions. Specific questions
are always best so we don't have guess which answer to provide.
Good luck!
Louie Canaiy wrote:
> Hi Anne
> I'm sorry for my delayed reply. I've been positively swamped since last
> thursday.
> Thanks much for the links and help to get me started.
> Yes, Dr. Chandra is indeed interested in level II data from both Denver
> and Cheyenne. He's also interested in using LDM compression schemes and
> latency management (boy I hope I'm getting my terminology correct
> *grin*) to transfer data from the CHILL radar site outside Greeley.
> Lastly, we would like to know how to view the data we're seeing/relaying.
> Thanks Much for your help and time!
> Louie
> Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Louie Canaiy wrote:
> >
> >>Anne
> >>
> >>My name is Louis Canaiy. I work with/for Dr. Chandra at Colorado State
> >>University. He's asked me to contact you about acquiring LDM and
> >>possibly IDV. Hopefully I can get ahold of this software quickly as Dr.
> >>Chandra is extremely excited about it's possibilites.
> >>
> >>Thanks Much!
> >>Louie
> >>
> >
> >
> > Hi there, Louie,
> >
> > I can get you started by answering your questions about LDM capabilities,
> > and I
> > can possibly answer some questions about the data as well. (I'm a computer
> > scientist, not a meteorologist.) If you decide you do want to get some
> > data or
> > have more detailed questions about the data, I may pass you on to other
> > folks
> > here who actually work in those areas more than I currently do. (I am now
> > working on developing the next generation LDM, and am thus not working in
> > the
> > "operational" arena as much as I once was.) Indeed, I'm cc'ing this to Jeff
> > Weber, who will include you in our network should you decide to receive
> > data.
> >
> > If you are UNIX savvy, the LDM software is easy to install and maintain.
> > For a
> > standard installation, you should be able to download and install with
> > minimal
> > effort. Please see the LDM home page:
> > http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/ldm/index.html
> >
> > I understand that Prof. Chandra is interested in level II radar data from
> > Cheyenne and Denver, is that right? We can certainly arrange for you to
> > receive
> > that data. He was concerned about latencies. On the CRAFT web page
> > (http://kkd.ou.edu/craft.htm) there is a link called "Hourly Latencies
> > Updated
> > Every 15 Minutes" (http://downdraft.caps.ou.edu/rtstats/current.cgi),
> > showing
> > some latencies. Will these meet his needs?
> >
> > Also, he mentioned wanting to view the data. The LDM only relays data, it
> > does
> > not include any visualization software. Would you like me to inquire about
> > how
> > that data can be viewed?
> >
> > Please let me know what questions you may have.
> >
> > Anne
> --
> Louie Canaiy
> Systems Integrator & The "Well, Phone: 970-491-2465
> I'll see what I can whip up" Guy Fax: No fax. Email.
> Engineering Network Services
> College of Engineering, CSU
> Ft. Collins, CO 80523-1301
> _____________________________________________________________
> The other day I found myself thinking: "I hope Dick Cheney's
> heart holds out." Because, can you imagine George Bush trying
> to make decisions all by himself? I don't even like Dick
> Cheney. I just find him strangely reassuring in this context.
> He can talk in complete sentences and maintain a composed
> facial expression.
> - San Francisco Bay Times newswriter Ann Rostow, Dec. 6.
> ______________________________________________________________
Anne Wilson UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata WWW server http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/