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20030324: ldm6: ldmadmin pqactHUP can't find pqact's PID
- Subject: 20030324: ldm6: ldmadmin pqactHUP can't find pqact's PID
- Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 09:50:10 -0700
> To: address@hidden
> From: "Neil R. Smith" <address@hidden>
> Subject: ldm6: ldmadmin pqactHUP can't find pqact's PID
> Organization: TAMU
The above message contained the following:
> LDM 6 on FreeBSD 4.7:
> > ldmadmin pqactHUP
> pqact: process not found, can't HUP pqact
> I know the pqact exists -- I can see it with a full ps listing
> and it's actively decoding.
> Might the ps options in the ldmadmin_pqactHUP routine in ldmadmin need
> to be tweeked for freebsd?
Good catch!
BSD-derived operating systems (FreeBSD, netBSD, BSDi) like Linux
have a non-standard ps(1) utility. I've enclosed a patch to the
ldmadmin.in proto-script that should fix the problem. After patching
your ldmadmin.in in your "src/scripts" directory, you'll have to
reinstall it and reapply any customizations to it (advice: save the old
ldmadmin script for comparison).
Be advised that I'm not a perl expert -- so if it doesn't work, I'd
appreaciate hearing from you.
This change will be in the next release.
> Thanks, -Neil
> --
> Neil R. Smith, Comp. Sys. Mngr. address@hidden
> Dept. Atmospheric Sci., Texas A&M Univ. 979/845-6272 FAX:979/862-4466
Steve Emmerson
Index: ldmadmin.in
RCS file: /upc/share/CVS/ldm5/scripts/ldmadmin.in,v
retrieving revision 1.82
diff -c -r1.82 ldmadmin.in
*** ldmadmin.in 2003/02/27 20:01:26 1.82
--- ldmadmin.in 2003/03/25 16:47:13
*** 835,841 ****
if ($os eq "SunOS" && $release =~ /^4/) {
open( IN, "ps -gawxl |" ) || bad_exit("ps: Cannot open ps");
$default = 3 ;
! } elsif( $os eq "Linux") {
open( IN, "ps ajx |" ) || bad_exit("ps: Cannot open ps");
$default = 0 ;
--- 835,841 ----
if ($os eq "SunOS" && $release =~ /^4/) {
open( IN, "ps -gawxl |" ) || bad_exit("ps: Cannot open ps");
$default = 3 ;
! } elsif( $os eq "Linux" || $os =~ /BSD/i) {
open( IN, "ps ajx |" ) || bad_exit("ps: Cannot open ps");
$default = 0 ;
*** 902,908 ****
if ($os eq "SunOS" && $release =~ /^4/) {
$ps_cmd = "ps -agwxj | egrep $gpid_num";
! } elsif( $os eq "Linux") {
$ps_cmd = "ps ajx | grep $gpid_num" ;
} else {
--- 902,908 ----
if ($os eq "SunOS" && $release =~ /^4/) {
$ps_cmd = "ps -agwxj | egrep $gpid_num";
! } elsif( $os eq "Linux" || $os =~ /BSD/i) {
$ps_cmd = "ps ajx | grep $gpid_num" ;
} else {
*** 949,955 ****
if ($os eq "SunOS" && $release =~ /^4/) {
open( IN, "ps -gawxl |" ) || bad_exit("ps: Cannot open ps");
$default = 0 ;
! } elsif( $os eq "Linux") {
open( IN, "ps ajx |" ) || bad_exit("ps: Cannot open ps");
$default = 1 ;
--- 949,955 ----
if ($os eq "SunOS" && $release =~ /^4/) {
open( IN, "ps -gawxl |" ) || bad_exit("ps: Cannot open ps");
$default = 0 ;
! } elsif( $os eq "Linux" || $os =~ /BSD/i) {
open( IN, "ps ajx |" ) || bad_exit("ps: Cannot open ps");
$default = 1 ;