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20030127: pqact hangup

>From:  "Jim St. John" <address@hidden>
>Organization:  Georgia Tech
>Keywords:  200301271700.h0RH0U602736 LDM pqact ldmadmin


>Thanks to all who helped me last week.  I've now got data coming in but I
>can't get it to write to files.  When I use ldmadmin pqactHUP I get a
>"hangup" error and nothing is being written to the log file. I researched
>the archives at Unidata and found that lack of tabs in the files in /etc
>(e.g. services, rps, etc.) will cause this problem, but I double-checked
>mine and they are all right.   Has anyone else had a problem like this?

Before sending a HUP signal to pqact, you should _always_ run
'ldmadmin pqactcheck'.  This performs a sanity check on your pqact.conf
file and spots most syntax problems.

You can independently test if you setup /etc/syslog.conf correctly by
using the 'logger' application.  Here is a simple 'logger' invocation,
run as 'ldm', that will test to see if syslogd is setup to log to your
LDM log file:

% logger -p local0.debug "Test of syslogd output to LDM log file"

If you do not get the test message written to your ~ldm/logs/ldmd.log
file, then you either have not setup /etc/syslog.conf correctly;
you did not send a HUP to syslogd after setting up /etc/syslog.conf;
or syslogd is hung and needs to be stopped and restarted by 'root'.


>From address@hidden Mon Jan 27 12:09:20 2003

I was in a meeting and when I came back my log file was working.  I ran your
test and it worked. I'll start working on configuring the pqact.conf file
and see if I can get the data going to the right places.


*  Dr.  James C. St. John
*  School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
*  Georgia Institute of Technology
*  1254 Ford Motor Co. ES&T Building
*  Atlanta GA 30332-0340
*  Phone:    404-894-1754
*  Fax:        404-894-5638
*  E-Mail:   address@hidden