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20030110: another quick question (cont.)
- Subject: 20030110: another quick question (cont.)
- Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 14:41:52 -0700
>From: "Paul L. Sirvatka" <address@hidden>
>Organization: COD
>Keywords: 200301101430.h0AEU2t18460 McIDAS-XCD REDIRECT
>Everything seems to be working yet no MDXX sfc/upr files are being
>The only thing I see is that startxcd.k is there twice.
>ldm 26875 26872 0 12:11 ? 00:00:00 startxcd.k
>ldm 26904 26875 0 12:11 ? 00:00:00 startxcd.k
>ldm 26905 26904 0 12:11 ? 00:00:00 DMSFC
>ldm 26906 26904 0 12:11 ? 00:00:00 DMRAOB
>ldm 26907 26904 0 12:11 ? 00:00:00 DMSYN
>ldm 26908 26904 0 12:11 ? 00:00:00 DMMISC
>redirect.k LIST gives me this:
>MDXX000* /home/data/mcidas
>MDXX001* /home/data/mcidas
>MDXX002* /home/data/mcidas
>MDXX003* /home/data/mcidas
>MDXX004* /home/data/mcidas
>MDXX005* /home/data/mcidas
>MDXX006* /home/data/mcidas
>MDXX007* /home/data/mcidas
>MDXX008* /home/data/mcidas
>MDXX009* /home/data/mcidas
>MDXX010* /home/data/mcidas
This is an indication that something got messed up in the directory
in which the XCD decoders write their output. In this case,
the second option of the troubleshooting list I sent two emails
ago applies. The following is a simplified check list:
1) as 'ldm' stop the LDM
2) login as 'mcidas'
3) cd /home/data/mcidas
4) rm -f *.RA*
5) cd ~mcidas/workdata
cp ~mcidas/data/SCHEMA /home/data/mcidas
chmod 666 /home/data/mcidas/SCHEMA
6) tl.k XCDDATA
If XCDDATA is not defined to be /home/data/mcidas, define it:
te.k XCDDATA \"/home/data/mcidas
7) rerun the XCD configuration BATCH files:
batch.k XCD.BAT
batch.k XCDDEC.BAT
8) restart the LDM
>So...not sure what the problem is...must be in the decoders?
It is probably that one or more of the *.RA* files in /home/data/mcidas
got hosed.