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Re: Hello and a question
- Subject: Re: Hello and a question
- Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2002 10:46:46 -0600 (MDT)
Hi Richard,
A couple of things I notice right away:
1) peridot.atmos.ucla.edu is not up and running, to the best of my
knowledge the machine at UCLA currently is:
It may or may not have an allow for you since the last record I have of
your machine name is:
You are also requesting the entire NNEXRAD feed 1) UCLA does not ingest
the entire feed 2) we ask that sites request sub-sets of the data i.e. all
the prods from a few radars (of interest) or a few prods from a region. We
also produce a 1KM mosaic of BREF1 for the nation...
Additionally, the PPS and DDPLUS requests are redundant, they are included
in the IDS|DDPLUS feed..
Could you please update us with your full machine name and contact info.
Thank you and welcome back!
____________________________ _____________________
Jeff Weber address@hidden
Unidata Support PH:303-497-8676
COMET Case Study Library FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________ ______________________
On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 Richard address@hidden wrote:
> Hello, I'm the new sysadmin for the UC Davis Atmospheric Sciences group,
> replacing Erick Lorenz, and I've taken over the adminstration of the LDM
> system, which wasn't (according to my professors) in a working state. So I've
> set up a new system running the latest version of the LDM software and I've
> been having some problems...
> I guess the first thing that I need help with is figuring out what products I
> need to injest to run a functional mcidas 2002a installation using only local
> data. I'm currently set up to feed off of UCLA, which seems to be working
> (although randomly dying every once in a while, but I'll deal with that once
> its
> at least functional). When I initially configured this in the summer, I was
> under the impression that all I needed to make sure was working was that the
> ldm was properly sending data off to the ldm-mcidas decoders which created the
> mcidas AREAxxxx files. However, I'm working with a professor (who, to make
> matters worse, hasn't used mcidas in a few years) and when we are running the
> MCGUI program, we can't get much of anything to display using the imagery and
> observation menus. The goal of course, is to get this to work, and so I'm
> starting from the lowest level to see if I at least have the ldm set up
> correctly. I'm including the uncommented snippits from relevant configuration
> files:
> #####from ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf######
> exec "pqexpire"
> exec "pqbinstats"
> exec "pqact"
> exec "pqsurf -f DDS"
> exec "rtstats -h rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu"
> request WMO ".*" peridot.atmos.ucla.edu
> request DDPLUS ".*" peridot.atmos.ucla.edu
> request IDS|DDPLUS ".*" peridot.atmos.ucla.edu
> request PPS ".*" peridot.atmos.ucla.edu
> request NNEXRAD ".*" peridot.atmos.ucla.edu
> request HDS ".*" peridot.atmos.ucla.edu
> request NLDN ".*" peridot.atmos.ucla.edu
> request MCIDAS ".*" peridot.atmos.ucla.edu
> request FSL2 ".*" peridot.atmos.ucla.edu
> allow ANY
> ^((localhost|loopback)|(127\.0\.0\.1\.?$)|([a-z].*\.unidata\.ucar\.edu\.?$))
> #################################
> #####from ~ldm/etc/pqact.conf######
> -- lots of stuff here -- using the unaltered ldm-mcidas-pqact.conf (v.7.8)
> file.
> #################################
> #####from ~ldm/etc/pqsurf.conf######
> -- my pqsurf.conf is something created by Eric DeFonso, 10,23,96, and not
> putting anything into any directories that mcidas looks in (I think)
> #################################
> So does everything look correct here and should I move on and ask these
> questions on other venues? I appreciate your time.
> Thanks!
> Richard
> ------- End of Forwarded Message