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Re: The significance of pbuf_flush messages. (fwd)
- Subject: Re: The significance of pbuf_flush messages. (fwd)
- Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 08:49:46 -0600
------- Forwarded Message
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 16:10:46 -0600
From: Russ Rew <address@hidden>
To: "Stonie R. Cooper" <address@hidden>
cc: address@hidden,
"Cannon, Declan" <address@hidden>, rkambic
Subject: Re: The significance of pbuf_flush messages.
>To: Russ Rew <address@hidden>
>From: "Stonie R. Cooper" <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 20020730: The significance of pbuf_flush messages.
>Organization: Planetary Data
>Keywords: pbuf_flush-problem
Hi Stonie,
> I apologize for the question - but what does pbuf_flush signify? Since
> upgrading to 5.2, I see this with an ldmadmin tail:
> Jul 25 18:41:18 helium pqact[691]: pbuf_flush 11: time elapsed 2.977440
> Jul 25 18:54:59 helium pqact[691]: pbuf_flush 11: time elapsed 2.531959
> Never mind . . . Declan found me the relevant information on the "time
> elapsed" messages. This does infer, simply because I saw them very
> rarely in 5.1.4, that somehow 5.2 is slower . . . at least it seems to
> take longer than 1 second more often with 5.2 than with 5.1.4. Or
> maybe it's the net session of alephone that's doing it . . . ;-)
I've discovered at least one possible reason LDM 5.2 might be slower
than LDM 5.1.4, and I've appended a patch to src/server/svc.c that you
could try to see if it makes a significant difference.
We had left in some debugging code that slow things down, due to a
call to the strlen() function in the argument that's evaluated for
every product even when not in debug mode. A few other optimizations
got the time per product of this code down from 627 usec/product to
0.92 usec/product.
Thus for 100,000 products the new code uses about 0.09 seconds instead
of 63 seconds of CPU time (at least on my Sun-Blade-1000), but that
may still not be significant enough to explain the extra pbuf_flush
calls. But please let us know if you get a chance. If it works, we
may issue this as a patch, or maybe just roll it into the inevitable
5.2.1 ...
Index: svc.c
RCS file: /upc/share/CVS/ldm5/server/svc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.86
diff -r1.86 svc.c
< int olen, i, FOUND=0;
< char *cpos=NULL, hostcat[HOSTNAMESIZE + HOSTNAMELEN + 4];
< static char SEPSTR[]="_v_";
< udebug("origin_upstream origin: %d %s\0",strlen(origin),origin);
< memset(hostcat,0,sizeof(hostcat));
< i = 0;
< while( ( FOUND == 0 ) && ( i + strlen (SEPSTR) < strlen(origin) ) )
< {
< if ( memcmp(origin+i, SEPSTR, strlen(SEPSTR) ) == 0)
< {
< FOUND = 1;
< cpos = origin+i;
< }
< else
< i++;
< }
< if(cpos != NULL)
< {
< cpos += 3;
< strncat(hostcat,origin,cpos - origin);
< strcat(hostcat,remote_name());
< }
< else
< sprintf(hostcat,"%s%s%s\0",origin,SEPSTR,remote_name());
> int olen;
> char *cpos;
> char hostcat[HOSTNAMESIZE + HOSTNAMELEN + 4];
> static char SEPSTR[]="_v_";
> static int sepstr_len = sizeof(SEPSTR) - 1;
> const char* remotename = remote_name();
> hostcat[0] = '\0';
> cpos = strstr(origin, SEPSTR);
> if (cpos != NULL) {
> olen = cpos - origin;
> strncpy(hostcat, origin, olen);
> } else {
> olen = strlen(origin);
> strcpy(hostcat, origin);
> }
> strcpy(hostcat + olen, SEPSTR);
> strcpy(hostcat + olen + sepstr_len, remotename);
< olen = strlen(hostcat);
< if(olen >= HOSTNAMESIZE) olen = HOSTNAMESIZE-1;
< udebug("origin_upstream: sizes %d %d %d %s\0",HOSTNAMESIZE,olen,
< memset(origin,0,olen+1);
< memcpy(origin,hostcat,olen);
> hostcat[HOSTNAMESIZE] = '\0';
> strcpy(origin, hostcat);
< * in tact.
> * intact.
< char sp[HOSTNAMESIZE];
< prod_info newinfo;
< product newprod;
> char sp[HOSTNAMESIZE + 1];
> product newprod;
> strcpy(sp, prod->info.origin);
< memset(sp,0,HOSTNAMESIZE);
< memcpy(sp,prod->info.origin,strlen(prod->info.origin));
< udebug("hereis origin %d %s\0",strlen(sp),sp);
< udebug("prod ident %s\0",prod->info.ident);
< udebug("hereis origin back %s\0",sp);
< newinfo.arrival = prod->info.arrival;
< memcpy(newinfo.signature,prod->info.signature,sizeof(signaturet));
< newinfo.origin = sp;
< newinfo.feedtype = prod->info.feedtype;
< newinfo.seqno = prod->info.seqno;
< newinfo.ident = prod->info.ident;
< newinfo.sz = prod->info.sz;
> newprod.info.arrival = prod->info.arrival;
> memcpy(newprod.info.signature,prod->info.signature,sizeof(signaturet));
> newprod.info.origin = sp;
> newprod.info.feedtype = prod->info.feedtype;
> newprod.info.seqno = prod->info.seqno;
> newprod.info.ident = prod->info.ident;
> newprod.info.sz = prod->info.sz;
< newprod.info = newinfo;
< newprod.data = prod->data;
> newprod.data = prod->data;
< char sp[HOSTNAMESIZE];
> char sp[HOSTNAMESIZE + 1];
< memset(sp, 0, HOSTNAMESIZE);
< memcpy(sp,infop->origin,strlen(infop->origin));
> strcpy(sp, infop->origin);
< udebug("****comingsoon origin %d %s\0",strlen(sp),sp);
< udebug("product id %s\0",infop->ident);
< udebug("****check origin %s\0",sp);
------- End of Forwarded Message