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20020816: purdue's pnga2area...
- Subject: 20020816: purdue's pnga2area...
- Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 13:00:38 -0600
>From: Benjamin Cotton <address@hidden>
>Organization: Purdue
>Keywords: 200208161723.g7GHNbK29603 ldm-mcidas pnga2area
Anne and Ben,
>I'm trying to debug Ben Cotton's problems at Purdue. One of them is the
>one I described to you earlier. Here are the messages that are
>appearing in the [system] log:
>Aug 16 07:29:08 anvil /kernel: pid 32205 (pnga2area), uid 61000: exited
>on signal 11 (core dumped)
>I ran pnga2area from the command line. I didn't get a core dump, but
>got the following:
>(anvil.eas.purdue.edu) [/project/ldm/data/mcidas]% pnga2area -l - -vx
>temp < 02073000_sie.png
>Aug 16 17:05:25 pnga2area[52901]: Starting Up
> in GetFileName
> mask: 8
> band: 4
> in GetSatAnnotInfo
>Aug 16 17:05:25 pnga2area[52901]: Error: unable to find SATANNOT: No
>such file or directory
> in GetSatBandInfo
>Aug 16 17:05:25 pnga2area[52901]: Error: unable to find SATBAND: No such
>file or directory
> cres: 4km
> in ReplaceToken
> in ReplaceToken
> in ReplaceToken
>Aug 16 17:05:25 pnga2area[52901]: output file pathname: temp
> datoff: 2816
> datlen: 2560
> cmtlen: 240
>Aug 16 17:05:26 pnga2area[52901]: unPNG:: 961865 2422256 2.5183
>Aug 16 17:05:26 pnga2area[52901]: Exiting
>(anvil.eas.purdue.edu) [/project/ldm/data/mcidas]% ls -l temp
>-rw-r--r-- 1 ldm ldm 2422256 Aug 16 12:05 temp
OK, I think I see the problem. pnga2area must be able to find the files
SATANNOT and SATBAND in order to run correctly. This is discussed in
the ldm-mcidas 'Building and Installing' and 'Using LDM-McIDAS Decoders'
sections of the ldm-mcidas web pages:
Building and Installing
Using LDM-McIDAS Decoders
The Building and Installing section shows that one should copy
SATANNOT and SATBAND from the ldm-mcidas 'etc' directory to the
'etc' directory of the user running the LDM, ~ldm/etc. After the
files are in a fixed location, the decoder needs to be told where
they are. This is done by specifying the '-a' and '-b' flags
supported by the decoder. Your example above should, therefore,
be changed to:
pnga2area -vxl - -a /usr/local/ldm/etc/SATANNOT -b /usr/local/ldm/etc/SATBAND
temp < 02073000_sie.png
>I assume the input file was an appropriate choice - I chose the input
>file based on the following two pqact.conf entries:
>MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 UI
> PIPE -close /project/ldm/decoders/pnga2area -l
> /project/ldm/logs/png.log -vx
> /project/ldm/data/mcidas/%y%m%d%H_sie.mca
>MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 UI
> FILE -close data/mcidas/%y%m%d%H_sie.png -l
> /project/ldm/logs/png.log
These pqact.conf entries should also be modified to tell pnga2area where
it can find the files SATANNOT and SATBAND:
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 UI
PIPE -close /project/ldm/decoders/pnga2area
-vxl /project/ldm/logs/png.log
-b etc/SATBAND
Also, I would change the entries to use the date/time in the product header
instead of the date (%y%m%d) and time (%H) from the system clock:
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. (..) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close /project/ldm/decoders/pnga2area
-vl /project/ldm/logs/png.log
-b etc/SATBAND
By the way, this is all presented by way of example in the
ldm-mcidas-pqact.conf file distributed with the ldm-mcidas package
and referenced from the Using LDM-McIDAS Decoders page of the
ldm-mcidas web site.
>Can you shed any light on this? (We do not yet have any results in
>/project/ldm/logs/png.log. I'm trying to get that working...)
I feel very certain that the problems being experienced are a result of
the pnga2area entries in pqact.conf not referencing the SATANNOT and SATBAND
* Tom Yoksas UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort) P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*