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Re: Run notifyme today?
- Subject: Re: Run notifyme today?
- Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 10:50:35 -0600
Harry Edmon wrote:
> Okay - I will start them up once I understand what to run. I understand
> logNotifyme.py and rotateLogNotifyme.py. What logs do I use for matchSigs? I
> notice that my ldmd.log files on sunny have the time stamp and header, but not
> the signature. Or are we just going to compare the notifyme logs between
> thelma
> and sunny?
> Anne Wilson <address@hidden> wrote:
> > Hi Harry,
> >
> > Want to run our notifyme's today?
> >
> > Anne
> > --
We should compare the notifyme logs between thelma and sunny in order to
compare signatures.
I've been ironing out a few bugs in the scripts, including a small
change just now to handle feedtypes of the form <ft1|ft2...>, so I
suggest that you grab the latest versions from the ftp dir,
Note that this latest change will create a file like
notifyme.log.DIFAX|FNEXRAD|FSL2|WMO.<ddhhmmss>, which is an unusual file
name. To use it in a command line, I put the name in quotes, e.g.,
'view "notifyme.log.DIFAX|FNEXRAD|FSL2|WMO.31163001". (Maybe I should
add code to munge the feedtype into a better format - I'm not sure how
much of a problem these names will be.)
You don't need to run matchSigs (unless you want to) - I can run it here
after I have your log files. It's the postprocessor to identify which
signatures are missing.
I suggest you run three logNotifymes: one for DIFAX|FNEXRAD|FSL2|WMO,
one for NEXRAD, and one for NMC2. I also suggest rotating them, just to
keep the file sizes managable. Invocation would be:
logNotifyme.py -f "DIFAX|FNEXRAD|FSL2|WMO" &
On thelma I'll do the same. I'll wait to start until I hear that you've
started yours, as then my "source log", the log that supposedly lists
all the products you should have received, will not be logging products
before you've started.
I'm wondering if there may be issues around when these logs are rotated,
but I'd like to give it a try and see what happens.
This morning, between 1:30Z and 6:00Z there were 17 disconnects between
sunny and thelma! But since then there have been none.
Anne Wilson UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata WWW server http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/