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Re: Aeolus Again

Larry Riddle wrote:
> Done (or, so I think).

Definately done!  One thing to bear in mind when you do this is that you
must ensure you don't run out of disk space as debug mode is extremely
voluminous.  I already configured your system to handle this, but let me
explain what I did so it will be in our archive.

After watching how fast the log was growing and looking at how much disk
space was available, I decided to keep 14 hours worth of logs (enough to
get through the night) and that each log would hold 1/2 hour's worth of
messages.   First I modified this line in the ldmadmin script: 
        $numlogs = 28;

And then I modified the crontab for the ldm account so that 'ldmadmin
newlog' would run twice per hour:

10,50 * * * *   /aeolus1/local/ldm/bin/ldmadmin newlog

Regarding your situation, are you still able to use meteora for any
LDM/IDD purposes?  (I didn't understand if this was possible from your
last email.)


Anne Wilson                     UCAR Unidata Program            
address@hidden                 P.O. Box 3000
                                  Boulder, CO  80307
Unidata WWW server       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/