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20011127: McIDAS vis-a-via Solaris 7/8 (cont.)
- Subject: 20011127: McIDAS vis-a-via Solaris 7/8 (cont.)
- Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 12:17:43 -0700
>From: "James R. Frysinger" <address@hidden>
>Organization: College of Charleston
>Keywords: 200111061842.fA6Igt112242 LDM binary install
re: root privilege
>Yes, I have root priviledges; my colleague has shared the password
>with me. In fact, I am essentially serving as the sysadmin for that
>particular computer under his tuteledge. He maintains a cluster of
>computers linked by NFS mounts.
OK, good. So you can finish off the LDM installation.
>I took another look at the directions for LDM prerequisites yesterday
>and I see that it calls for downloading and installing the source code
>rather than downloading the binary if one's installation organization
>is non-standard. Ours seems to fall into that category.
Yes and no. A binary installation can be configured to match
your setup. The biggest things are making the HOME directory of
'ldm' look like /usr/local/ldm; the ~ldm/data directory a link
to /export/home/mcdata/ldm; and ~ldm/logs a link to
/export/home/mcdata/ldm/logs; etc.
>So I downloaded
>the source code tarball, but have not done a make on it. What I did do
>was to get partway through the preinstallation prerequisites sheet
>again. We pull time off a local computer which is NTP-based, but that
>should work satisfactorily.
>Later, if we need to, I can configure and
>initialize the ntpd on 'weather' similar to my xntpd here at home.
It doesn't matter how you make sure the clock is correct. It just
matters that it is correct!
>Then I went back to recheck myself on the prerequisite list; some of
>this had already been done by me on Nov 21, even though I'm using the
>near-past tense here. The lines that are to be added to /etc/cservices
>were added to our /etc/inet/services, reflecting our local installation
>set up. I also modified /etc/rpc and /etc/syslog.conf per the
>instructions. I went ahead and created an /export/home/ldm directory in
>lieu of a /usr/local/ldm directory. I also created a symbolic link to
>that in /usr/local.
>I then configured the ldm user account as per the
>instructions, using /export/home/ldm as the value for LDHOME. I also
>set the umask as 002; I seem to remember a note from somewhere in the
>mcidas instructions to do that for the ldm account,
You are remembering correctly.
>though I don't see
>it here. You might want to check my ldm .cshrc. I think I have the
>directory structure of the ldm user account set up properly.
OK. Things are going well.
>Now, here's where I'm a little less confident. Rather than setting up
>the /var/data/.... directories indicated, I set up
>/export/home/mcdata/ldm and /export/home/mcdata/ldm/logs.
/var/data is used as an example only. Your setup is OK.
>I was tempted
>to leave off that layer of the ldm subdirectory since you said that ldm
>data no longer needs to be segregated from mcidas data.
Not exactly. I said that the McIDAS-XCD data does not need to be kept
separate from the data files created by ldm-mcidas decoders. This
is not the same as saying that McIDAS data doesn't need to be kept
separate from ldm data.
>Then I would
>have made the log path read something like /export/home/mcdata/ldm-log.
What about:
~ldm/data <-> /export/home/mcdata/ldm/data (link)
~ldm/logs <-> /export/home/mcdata/ldm/logs (link)
>I chickened out for fear of getting too far from a standard
>installation. What are your thoughts on that?
Be brave :-).
>I then checked to make sure that I had fininshed the prerequisite
>sheet instructions with the etc, decoders, & util directories under
>/export/home/ldm and establishing the links as indicated. Again, you
>may wish to check those.
I took a quick look yesterday and did not see anything that raised
any red flags.
>So, I think I'm ready to do the make on the source code. Do you
>concur? (Or should I go back and do the binary installation again,
>instead of making from source?)
I think that the binary installation will work fine for you. Hmm...
this got me thinking. To check executableness (not a word, but you
get my meaning) of binaries, do an 'ldd':
cd ~ldm/bin
ldd pqact
If all shared libraries can be found, you will be OK. If not,
you will probably need to build from source.
re: The LDM only needs to be installed/configured on the ingest machine.
>Great! So, all users need is McIDAS-X, which will handle all their
>ADDE calls to 'weather', else they could scp the data from there.
Instead of making users scp data from weather, I would make the
file system containing data files available to other machines by NFS.
>of these machines will not be NFSed to weather; we're keeping a rather
>tight network here and not putting all the faculty's accounts in the
>NFS mount list.
Understood, but if you install GEMPAK, you _will_ need to NFS mount
the data.
>I didn't get to the material below yesterday. I'll try that out while
>I'm waiting for your go-ahead on making ldm source. (Instead I
>entertained myself by finishing up a proposed revision to an IEEE
>metric standard in preparation for this coming meeting.)
OK. Talk to you later...
>> >I can dig around and see if I still have the links we used last
>> > January for feeds.
>> OK. Our records indicate that you had the following setup:
>> primary feed site: pluto.met.fsu.edu
>> failover feed site: cirp.met.utah.edu
>> This information is accessible online:
>> Unidata HomePage:
>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
>> Software
>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/Software.html
>> IDD
>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/idd/index.html
>> Current Operational Status
>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/idd/iddgeneral.html#status
>> IDD Site Contact List
>> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/projects/idd/sitelist.html
>> >Don't know if they are still open to us or not, though. We
>> >have not changed our fully qualified hostname so they might still
>> >work!
>> They should still work. You can test this quickly and easily from
>> your LDM account:
>> notifyme -vxl- -o 3600 -h pluto.met.fsu.edu
>> - and/or -
>> notifyme -vxl- -o 3600 -h cirp.met.utah.edu
>> If you are still allowed to request data from these sites, then the
>> notifyme invocations will work. If not, you will get a 'Connection
>> refused' message.
>James R. Frysinger University/College of Charleston
>10 Captiva Row Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
>Charleston, SC 29407 66 George Street
>843.225.0805 Charleston, SC 29424
>http://www.cofc.edu/~frysingj address@hidden
>Cert. Adv. Metrication Specialist 843.953.7644