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Re: 20011002: halo in City College of New York
- Subject: Re: 20011002: halo in City College of New York
- Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 15:33:42 -0600
Xiaodong Yan wrote:
> Thank Anne for your timely response. I have done the following for the halo.
> First:
> halo have 2 ip, one is school's local ip. which isn't quite stable.
> another is a seperate T-1 line ip.
> (halo-imas.scitone.ccny.cuny.edu) which is acturally which the one showes
> registed with Unidate before. Since the last person who had been maintain
> the weather station a year ago, It's wasn't under active maintain. Now I
> tested that connection, it looks pretty ok. And it's firewall free, so it
> save us some trouble now and in the future.
Hi Xiaodong,
This address works much better:
(anne) imogene:/opt/news/man 199 % ldmping
halo-imas.scitone.ccny.cuny.edu -i5
Oct 02 21:12:43 State Elapsed Port Remote_Host
Oct 02 21:12:43 RESPONDING 0.181648 388
Oct 02 21:12:48 RESPONDING 0.069726 388
Oct 02 21:12:53 RESPONDING 0.069603 388
Oct 02 21:12:58 RESPONDING 0.069408 388
Oct 02 21:13:03 RESPONDING 0.069714 388
> But when I check the ldmd.log. I find some error as following:
> Oct 02 20:56:29 halo.sci.ccny.cuny.edu[303]:
> 7: Access denied by remote server
> I wondering if the problem with the server at albany. Correct me if I am
> wrong.
Yes, this shows that the "imas" address won't work with your upstream
feed. I'll send the Albany people a note and ask him to change the name
in his configuration file.
Oh - I just got an email from them, looks like they've already made that
change. Let me know if this solves your problem.
> Second.
> I find neither the portmap nor the rpcbind is currently running. I don't
> know whether it's there before or it never run at all. It's running nis
> server. I was confused here.
I'm pretty sure the LDM won't require the portmapper once it's started,
so you're ok for the time being. But, if you needed to stop and restart
your ldm for any reason, it won't start unless the portmapper's running.
If you'd like to know how to start the portmapper, let me know what
operating system you are running.
> Hope you may help us to get the problem correct soon. So our class here will
> goes one smoothly this week.
> Thanks again.
You're welcome!
> Xiaodong
> =================================
> Mr. Xiaodong Yan
> System Administrator, Science Computing
> Room: Marshak Science Building, J-302
> City College of City University of New York
> New York, NY 10031
> Tel: 212.650.7885
> Email: address@hidden
> =================================
Anne Wilson UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata WWW server http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/