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Re: 20010621: pqbinstats
- Subject: Re: 20010621: pqbinstats
- Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 14:47:47 -0600
Unidata Support wrote:
> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: address@hidden
> >From: Carl Sinclair <address@hidden>
> >Subject: pqbinstats
> >Organization: CAPS
> >Keywords: 200106211814.f5LIEY104036
> When running pqbinstats with the -v flag, it creates many entries in the
> log file, similar to what 'ldmadmin watch' creates. Can file or data
> latency be determined from these messages? Also, with the files that it
> creates, how would I determine the latency of the data? I guess I need
> to know what each 'field' produced by the output consists of. The man
> page doesn't specify, but I understand that's what you use it for.
> Thanks for your time.
> --
> _______________________
> Carl Sinclair
> CAPS Research Associate
> (405)325-5938
> ------- End of Forwarded Message
Hi Carl,
A pqbinstats log entry consists of:
f1 f2 f3 f4 f5
f6 f7 f8 f9
Jun 21 20:04:10 pqbinstats[27437]: 10653 20010621200409.811
f1: current date
f2: "pqbinstats"
f3: pqbinstats pid
f4: product size
f5: time of ingest into IDD
f6: product feedtype
f7: product sequence number
f8: product ID
f9: further product ID info, if any
Each entry in a file created by pqbinstats consists of a line regarding
a particular feed type, e.g.:
f1 f2 f3 f4
f5 f6 f7 f8
20010620205953 HDS noaaport.unidata.ucar.edu 4064
74667863 0.60 26@4403 20010620205953
20010620205950 HDS sunshine.ssec.wisc.edu 2175
40490861 1.36 24@4404 20010620205950
(You may have multiple lines for a feed type if you get products from
that feedtype that originated at different ingest sites.)
f1: a timestamp, I'm not sure how it's different than f8
f2: feedtype
f3: where those products were ingested
f4: number of products arriving in that hour from that site
f5: number of bytes arriving in that hour from that site
f6: avg latency
f7: <max latency> occured at <min><sec> after the hour
f8: time of last product
Also, try running 'ldmprods'. It uses these files to monitor the data
arriving at your site. It will update every minute, giving cumulative
statistics for the hour.
Anne Wilson UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata WWW server http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/