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20010313: Setting up LDM
- Subject: 20010313: Setting up LDM
- Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 07:02:09 -0700
>From: =?X-UNKNOWN?Q?Jimmy_Mejia_Fern=E1ndez?= <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Costa Rica
>Keywords: 200103140229.f2E2TNL26380 LDM ldmd.conf
> I am trying to configure a ldm machine for to get soundings data
>as well as satellite imagery for the caribbean region, I am having the
>problem that I do not know what is the category that I should use in
>ldmd.conf in the section of
>request <category> ".*" thelma.unidata.ucar.edu
You could use UNIDATA here. UNIDATA is a combination of a number of
other feed types: DDPLUS, IDS, MCIDAS, HRS. A line like:
request UNIDATA ".*" thelma.unidata.ucar.edu
is equivalent to a line like:
request DDPLUS|IDS|HRS|MCIDAS ".*" thelma.unidata.ucar.edu
I would recommend, however, that you split your requests as this tends
to make for smoother (less congested) ingestion:
request DDPLUS|IDS|MCIDAS ".*" thelma.unidata.ucar.edu
request HRS ".*" is the IP address of thelma.unidata.ucar.edu, so the
requests are going to the same place.
If you do not want model output data, then I recommend that you not
request the HRS feed type. This is a lot of data, so it will require
a lot of bandwidth.
>also, in the ALLOW section what is the second argument, for example
>allow UNIDATA thelma.unidata.ucar.edu
> ^^^^^^^
This would depend on what feeds you are going to allow other machines
to request from the machine you are configuring. If you requested all
of the feeds in UNIDATA, and you wanted to allow other machines at your
site that are running LDMs to request those feeds, then you would use
the UNIDATA feed type in allow lines for each machine you are willing
to feed.
> Is always here the name of the category that I choosed in the above
No, not necessarily. Again, the feed type(s) you include in your allow
lines are the feeds that you are willing to pass along to other
machines. The other thing that allow lines are useful for is remote
troubleshooting by our office. For this reason, we request that sites
add the following allow line to their ldmd.conf file:
allow ANY
This allows both you and any machine at our office to do things like
notifyme to your machine.
>Also, is this line for to give permisions to other machines to get
>data from this ldm machine?
>I will apreciate very much all the help that you can give me, I am a
>little (or very much! :) ) confused.
I hope that this helped.
By the way, you never picked up the 7.7 release of McIDAS. Was this by
design, or was there some miscommunication from me to you about its
availability? If the problem was a miscommunication, then I
apologize. For reference, access information is:
machine: ftp.unidata.ucar.edu
user: XXXXXX
pass: XXXXXX
directory: unix/770
Tom Yoksas
>From address@hidden Thu Mar 15 19:30:36 2001
>Subject: Re: 20010313: Setting up LDM
On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, Unidata Support wrote:
> Jimmy,
> > I am trying to configure a ldm machine for to get soundings data
Hello Mr Tom.
It is great to hear about you again.
Yes, you are right I never picked up the Mcidas 7.7 because I was outside
of the campus and I recommended my boss not to make any change in
the software that we have running till I was back, but now I am fighting
with the LDM configuration, so my priority in this moment is to have LDM
running and later to make the upgrade of the Mcidas. Any way I will leave
this night downloading the mcidas distro.
I has printed up the LDM5 Site Manager Guide so I hope to have a better
understanding of the package in the short time.
Thank You very much for your help, all your assistance is really
invaluable to me and to the Mcidas commununity.
I will keep you informed.