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Re: FNEXRAD feed
- Subject: Re: FNEXRAD feed
- Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 14:54:39 -0700
Jeff Masters wrote:
> I don't know how to provide the FNEXRAD feed, my understanding was that
> someone was going to select a subset of the NNEXRAD data to be in the
> FNEXRAD data, but I was never clear on how this would happen and what
> software I would run to squeeze the NNEXRAD feed down to be the FNEXRAD
> feed. Anne, what do I do? Or am I not supposed to be feeding FNEXRAD to
> downstream sites?
> Thanks
Hi Jeff,
You don't have to generate the FNEXRAD feed - it's already done for
you. You should simply request FNEXRAD from motherlode.ucar.edu. Then,
be sure to add that feed to the 'allow's for your downstream sites so
they can get it too.
(If you want more info on this see
FYI, at this point in time FNEXRAD is only generated on motherlode.
Since it's only a small amount of data, we think this is an ok
distribution mechanism, although it is a single point of failure. The
alternative is to run the software to generate the FNEXRAD data at all
the ingest sites. We are considering if and when we need to spend the
effort to do this, so things might change in the future.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
David, will you please let me know when you are receiving this feed?
Anne Wilson UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata WWW server http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
> Dr. Jeff Masters (address@hidden) ( )
> Chief Meteorologist /\ Home of the ( )
> The Weather Underground, Inc. /\ / \ /\ /\ ( )
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> On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, David Wojtowicz wrote:
> >
> > Hi Jeff,
> >
> > We are feeding NNEXRAD from frost to flood.atmos.uiuc.edu. That has
> > always worked perfectly since that feed was started at the beginning
> > of the year...thanks.
> >
> > However, we are not receiving any FNEXRAD data however from frost. A
> > number
> > of our downstream sites want it. Anne Wilson at Unidata says we
> > should be seeing it.
> >
> > Could you check on this?
> >
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > --
> > --------------------------------------------------------
> > David Wojtowicz, Sr. Research Programmer
> > Department of Atmospheric Sciences Computer Services
> > University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
> > email: address@hidden phone: (217)333-8390
> > --------------------------------------------------------
> >