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- Subject: Re: WSI DAS and LDM
- Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 10:31:26 -0700 (MST)
On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, Rick Grubin wrote:
> Hi Robb
> I'm told that you run a LDM on a WSI DAS. A few questions if I may:
I've been out of the office the past week, reason for delay.
WSI machine:
SunOS wsihcsn 5.6 Generic_105182-23 i86pc i386 i86pc
> 1. what version of LDM are you running on your DAS?
I believe it's ldm-5.0.6 The reason we haven't upgraded the LDM release
is that the WSI program /opt/das2ldm/bin/das2ldm_nexrad or das2ldm_nowrad
program that inserts the nids products into the LDM queue is tied to that
release. I don't know if WSI has upgrade to a newer LDM release on the
newer ingest machines. The newer LDM release have a different queue
structure so WSI would have to change their software. WSI could of used a
standard LDM release but they wanted to make the s/w proprietary so they
modified the LDM code just a bit. Go figure
> 2. how are you extracting data from the WSI downlink? I have a remote
> process that talks to our DAS and rexec()'s to get data. I'd like to
> do it locally, as I assume you're doing.
It's the /opt/das2ldm/bin/das2ldm_nexrad program. I believe it reads fifo
in the proc directory.
If you have a remote process to get the data, I would write it to a fifo
then use pqing to read the data and insert it into the LDM queue. That's
how NOAAport does it. Here's the NOAAport ldmd.conf lines that reads the
products from the fifos:
exec "pqing -f IDS|DDPLUS /tmp/jmb.fifo.1"
exec "pqing -f HRS /tmp/jmb.fifo.2"
You might have to modify LDM pqing a bit but it should work if the
products are in a WMO format.
> Thanks for your input.
> -Rick.
> --
> Rick Grubin address@hidden
> NOAA / OAR Forecast Systems Lab
> 325 Broadway R/FS2 (303) 497 6991 phone
> Boulder CO 80305-3328 (303) 497 7259 fax
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/