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Re: 20000817: pqinsert (fwd)
- Subject: Re: 20000817: pqinsert (fwd)
- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 11:00:44 -0600
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Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 12:00:02 -0500 (CDT)
From: Daryl Herzmann <address@hidden>
To: Steve Chiswell <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: 20000817: pqinsert
Thanks for the help. The FILE -close did the trick!!
On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Steve Chiswell wrote:
~|Are you using FILE from pqact.conf on the downstream machine?
~|If so, then you might be getting buffered writes to disk.
~|Have you tried FILE -close?
~|You can see the file in your upstream and downstream queues to
~|verify that 10MB file exists by using the LDM notifyme command.
~|If the file shows up in the downstream LDM queue as 10MB, then
~|you know it was completely received.
~|Steve Chiswell
~|On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Daryl Herzmann wrote:
~|> Hello All,
~|> I am trying to use ldm to send large gempak files between
~|> machines. I am currently using pqinsert. The problem is that only a
~|> portion of the file gets transfered to the other machine. I believe that
~|> the queue is sufficently big on both machines (100 MB). THe only other
~|> products on the two machines are small text files.
~|> For example, I just tried to insert a 10.4 MB file on one end and
~|> the other end a 2.1 MB file appears. The pqinsert command did not
~|> report back any errors, so I assume that the queue could handle
~|> it. Anybody have any ideas, or am I approaching this wrong?
~|> My goal is to create a distributed model processing system and I
~|> wanted to use ldm as the data collector and distributor, but this large
~|> file problem has got me puzzled. Thanks for your time.
~|> Thanks,
~|> Daryl
~|> __ ,,,,
~|> / \_|$$$$|__,
~|> | ==========}
~|> ,,,,,, Daryl Herzmann [ JR - MTEOR ] ,,,,,,,, +--+ JOHN |_
~|> !!!!!! address@hidden !!!!!!!! ___ | DEERE ,_/
~|> $$$$$$ www.public.iastate.edu/~akrherz $$$$$$$$/__|==-__-----_|
~|> |||||| ICQ: 25560887 AOL: "Daryl Herz" ||||||||_______{}_____o_____
__ ,,,,
/ \_|$$$$|__,
| ==========}
,,,,,, Daryl Herzmann [ JR - MTEOR ] ,,,,,,,, +--+ JOHN |_
!!!!!! address@hidden !!!!!!!! ___ | DEERE ,_/
$$$$$$ www.public.iastate.edu/~akrherz $$$$$$$$/__|==-__-----_|
|||||| ICQ: 25560887 AOL: "Daryl Herz" ||||||||_______{}_____o_____