Is there a way to take advantage of the "pqing.c: added -5 option", when
using the request in ldmd.conf?
Hi Stephen,Our external data enters the LDMs WSI's das_pqsend, and is automatically
received by the LDM, so pqing is not called.The result is the inability to recognize duplicate bulletins that arrive
in different headers.Or do we just have the fundamentals wrong?
I'm afraid the -5 option won't help you. First, it only applies to pqing, thus it can only be applied when the product is first ingested into the IDD, not when it is received by your LDM. Second, that option was added so that products that differ only by sequence number could be recognized as duplicates. It simply skips the first few bytes that contain the sequence number in calculating the signature. It does not consider any other information within the product.
# $Id: ldmd.conf,v 1.7 1995/11/08 15:39:54 mitch Exp $
# Sample ldmd.conf for ldm5
# Programs that share a queue with rpc.ldmd
# are started by it and are in the same process group.
##exec "pqexpire"
exec "pqbinstats -l logs/pqcontents.log -d /OPS/Data/logs"
exec "pqact -l logs/nwx_pqact.log etc/nwx.conf"
exec "pqact -l logs/gempak_pqact.log etc/gempak.conf"
exec "pqact -l logs/nexrad_pqact.log etc/nexrad.conf"
exec "pqact -l logs/nowrad_pqact.log etc/nowrad.conf"
#exec "pqsurf -d /Apps/LDM -l /Data/logs/pqsurf.pq -q data/ldm.pq"
# LDM5 servers we ask for data
# request <feedset> <pattern> <hostname pattern>
#request ANY ".*"
Stephen Sinnis | Tell:905.566.9511x379
Pelmorex Inc | Cell:416.409.1141
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