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20000330: access denied to breeze.uprm.edu by FSU
- Subject: 20000330: access denied to breeze.uprm.edu by FSU
- Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 15:13:31 -0700
>From: "Karli Lopez (McIDAS)" <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Puerto Rico
>Keywords: 200003302140.OAA17542 IDD LDM reverse name lookup
>Starting 24 Mar 2000 we have not been receiving UNIDATA imagery from
>our primary server.
You should be sending this email to the contact at your primary feed site.
It is likely that the problem can be resolved between you and he much
more quickly than by sending the problem to Unidata User Support first.
You can lookup who is the designated contact at the feed site by looking
Unidata Home Page
Current Operational Status
IDD site contact list
Your message notes that your access is being denied by pluto.met.fsu.edu.
This means that you should look for the contact at FSU (Florida State
University). This turns out to be:
Chris Vandersip
I have included Chris on this message.
>An excerpt of the log follows:
> --------------------------
>Mar 30 00:00:12 5Q:breeze sysu1[20410]: Connection reset by peer
>Mar 30 00:00:12 5Q:breeze sysu1[20410]: Exiting
>Mar 30 00:00:18 5Q:breeze sysu1[20420]: Connection from
>Mar 30 00:00:18 5Q:breeze sysu1[20420]: hiya: 20000329235943.198 TS_ENDT
>{{WSI, ".*"}}
>Mar 30 00:00:27 5Q:breeze pluto[21757]: run_requester:
>20000329230027.694 TS_ENDT {{UNIDATA, ".*"},{FSL2|MCIDAS, ".*"}}
>Mar 30 00:00:28 3Q:breeze pluto[21757]: FEEDME(pluto.met.fsu.edu): 7:
>Access denied by remote server
>Mar 30 00:00:58 5Q:breeze pluto[21757]: run_requester:
>20000329230058.378 TS_ENDT {{UNIDATA, ".*"},{FSL2|MCIDAS, ".*"}}
>Mar 30 00:00:59 3Q:breeze pluto[21757]: FEEDME(pluto.met.fsu.edu): 7:
>Access denied by remote server
>Mar 30 00:01:21 5Q:breeze pqexpire[21762]: > Recycled 11778.013 kb/hr
>( 3013.119 prods per hour)
>Mar 30 00:01:29 5Q:breeze pluto[21757]: run_requester:
>20000329230129.259 TS_ENDT {{UNIDATA, ".*"},{FSL2|MCIDAS, ".*"}}
>Mar 30 00:01:29 3Q:breeze pluto[21757]: FEEDME(pluto.met.fsu.edu): 7:
>Access denied by remote server
> --------------------------
I am betting that the problem relates to what your machine is named and
if a nslookup can unambiguously do a forward and reverse name lookup
for it.
For instance, I just tried:
nslookup breeze.uprm.edu
Server: zero.unidata.ucar.edu
Name: breeze.uprm.edu
And then the reverse lookup:
Server: zero.unidata.ucar.edu
Name: breeze.UPR.CLU.EDU
You can see that for the particular name server that I used
(zero.unidata.ucar.edu), the forward and reverse name lookups came back
breeze.uprm.edu vs breeze.UPR.CLU.EDU
I believe that I remember that name service for the U Puerto Rico machines
has been a problem in the past. It is probably a wise move for sites
feeding UPR to ALLOW both breeze.uprm.edu and breeze.upr.clu.edu.
>For now I am switching to our backup server, but we'd like to be back to
>our old server as soon as possible.
>I had not implemented the new request lines, but I will after the
>connection is regained.
>I was going to ask you (and sorry I didn't do
>so before) if I removed the old request line, or if it needed to be
>broken down.
I don't understand what you are asking here. You will want to request
the feed of any one particular data stream from only one site at a
time. If you change the request for FSL2|MCIDAS to your backup, then
you should comment out the request to pluto.met.fsu.edu.
>I know it's a silly question but I want to be sure.
>Karli Lopez
Tom Yoksas