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Re: 19991101: LDM in AK
- Subject: Re: 19991101: LDM in AK
- Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 08:27:14 -0700 (MST)
On Mon, 1 Nov 1999, Unidata Support wrote:
> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: address@hidden
> >From: Phil Mieczynski <address@hidden>
> >Subject: LDM in AK
> >Organization: .
> >Keywords: 199911012315.QAA19764
> --PART.BOUNDARY.noaamh2.10a9.381e1e9b.0001
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Disposition: inline
> Robb,
> Thanks for your help. Here's where I am right now:
> 1) I got ldm running on both boxes (barah.anc - feeder & deke.arh - receiver)
> I
> started ldm on these machines by doing a)ldmadmin stop, b)ldmadmin delqueue,
> c)ldmadmin mkqueue, d)ldmadmin newlog, and e)ldmadmin start
> 2) When I run `ldmadmin tail` I can see that all the processes in ldmd.conf
> have
> started.
> The tail on deke shows `FEEDME(barah.anc.nwsar.gov): OK` which tells me that
> deke is waiting to be fed by barah. The tail on barah shows `Connection from
> deke.arh.nwsar.gov` which tells me that barah recognizes deke.
> At this point I'm assuming that ldm is running on both machines and now their
> waiting for something to happen. My test is to send an ascii text file from
> barah to deke using the ldm product queue. I've created a simple ascii text
> file
> and named it `ldm.test`. I placed this file at barah:/home/ldm/data/ldm.test
> The way I'm getting this product (the ascii text file) into the ldm product
> queue is by issuing the following command from the command line on barah:
> `pqinsert -v -q /home/ldm/data/ldm.pq -f EXP /home/ldm/data/ldm.test`
> the command returns:
> `pqinsert: 151 19991101203559.305 EXP 000 /home/ldm/data/ldm.test
That's the correct procedure to insert the product and send it to deke.
Since it's in deke's queue that part worked ok. There is a problem with
your pqact entry on deke. Since I couldn't decode deke's pqact.conf file,
here's what the entry should look like:
EXP /home/ldm/data/ldm.test
FILE data/ldm.test
The white spaces are tabs. I would suggest running a notifyme on deke so
you can see the product arriving and what the "real" header looks like.
% notifyme -vl -
% ldmadmin watch
The product header in notifyme is what pqact gets to match. pqact entries
can get tricky because they use regular expresssion chars, here's an URL
about creating pqact type entries.
Look at day 2 sections "Using the Data" parts 1 and 2
> At this point the tail I have going on the logs shows no activity but, if I do
> a:
The ldm in not running in verbose mode, so it doesn't show the arrival of
every product. But at this point, you don't need to run the ldm in verbose
mode, use notifyme.
> `pqcat` on barah and deke they both show the contents of the ascii file
> ldm.test
> in the product queue. The problem is that it just stays in the queue and is
> never written to /home/ldm/data/incoming.dat on deke like the pqact.conf
> directs.
> What am I doing wrong???
> I've attached the ldmd.conf and pqact.conf files from deke and barah for you
> to
> take a look at. Thanks again in advance for your help.
> ...Phil
> --PART.BOUNDARY.noaamh2.10a9.381e1e9b.0001
> Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="ldmd.conf"
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> --PART.BOUNDARY.noaamh2.10a9.381e1e9b.0001
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> Content-Description: pqactbarah.conf
> FTBP-Modification-Date: 01 Nov 1999 23:13:00 Z
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> --PART.BOUNDARY.noaamh2.10a9.381e1e9b.0001--
> ------- End of Forwarded Message
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/