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Re: ldmd.conf
- Subject: Re: ldmd.conf
- Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1999 10:34:20 -0600 (MDT)
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Alan F Cunningham wrote:
> Rob-
> Do I need to add an "exec pqing" to my ldmd.conf file as well. I'm
> running Das2Ldm on a satellite ingester, and need to get the product queue
> from that machine shipped over to my ldm machine's product queue. pqact
On the same machine as the WSI satellite ingestor, run the LDM with the
following exec lines in ldmd.conf:
# Programs that share a queue with rpc.ldmd
# are started by it and are in the same process group.
exec "pqexpire -i 1200"
exec "pqbinstats"
exec "pqact"
exec "/opt/das2ldm/bin/das2ldm_nexrad -l /dev/null -q
exec "/opt/das2ldm/bin/das2ldm_nowrad -l /dev/null -q
# exec "/opt/das2ldm/bin/das2ldm_text -l /dev/null -q
Note the exec lines are on line. The other ldmd.conf configurations are
the same, need allows. The size of the LDM queue is :
$pq_size = "640m";
set in bin/ldmadmin
> will then take some of those files and FILE them. How should I configure
> the pqing to get the data from the DAS?
Do an ldmadmin watch and then make your pqact entries match the product
ID's using feed type WSI
How should I/do I need to
> configure the accept line in the ldmd.conf file for WSI data? (I want to
> get all of the nexrad data coing from das2ldm_nexrad, then have pqact file
> it for me). the pqexpire and scour commands operate on the queue, not
> products that have already been filed, right?
> Thanks, I'll get there someday..
> BTW... The ldm version I installed was 5.0.6 for solaris 2.7, but I don't
> know the size
> of the original tar file.
Get, the latest LDM release. The release you have is one that I built on
my local machine with the wrong directory structure that's hardcoded into
the binaries.
> Alan Cunningham
> Clemson University Radar Ornithology Lab
> 310 Jordan Hall
> 864-656-3584
> hubcap.clemson.edu/~acunnin
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/