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19990802: no data in KY

>From: Tom Priddy <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199908021328.HAA22510

>From:  Tom Priddy
>I can't seem to find any data coming into the ldm this morning
>...from niu, Huntsville or Wyoming.  Any idea what the problem
>Tom Priddy                                address@hidden
>Extension Ag. Meteorologist          ph:  606-257-3000ext245
>Ag. Weather Center                  fax:  606-257-5671
>243 Ag. Engineering Bldg
>Dept. of Biosystems and Ag. Engr.
>University of Kentucky
>Lexington, KY 40546-0276
>HOMEPAGE   http://wwwagwx.ca.uky.edu


I ran the ldm command:
notifyme -v -l - -o 3600 -h kelvin.ca.uky.edu

and see that you now have data arriving at your system.
The data is current.

Steve Chiswell