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Re: 19990719: LDM Linux problem
- Subject: Re: 19990719: LDM Linux problem
- Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 10:34:40 -0600 (MDT)
Thanks for your comments. Now forward them to the Linux folks to have
their mmap problem fixed. The Linux limitations is not an LDM problem,
it's a Linux problem. There has been extensive testing at UCAR about this
problem and the solution is to buy more memory. I'ts only about a $1 an
megabyte. The general solution is to have minimum amount of RAM equal
about 125% of the LDM queue. Even then, the Linux bug starts appearing
when the queue grows larger then 750 megabtyes. Just stating the facts.
On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Unidata Support wrote:
> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: General Support <address@hidden>
> >From: Gilbert Sebenste <address@hidden>
> >Subject: To Robb Kambic: LDM Linux problem
> >Organization: .
> >Keywords: 199907191431.IAA16008
> Hello,
> I assume this message needs to go to Robb Kambic, but here goes!
> I am having a problem running LDM under Linux. It is more of an
> inconvenience than anything, but it is a serious one, and I believe
> someone has come up with a solution that I'd like you to implement.
> As far as I can tell, if I make my LDM queues very large, especially
> larger than the amount of memory that my system has, it causes it to hang,
> crash, or, in the case of shutting down and starting the LDM, it can cause
> the machine to practically lock up for 20 minutes. I have just figured out
> why: my beloved Linux has this glitch where it will literally store all
> the data coming off the LDM until the RAM is full.
> I have heard that David W. down at UIUC in Champaign has found a solution
> to the bug. Could you PLEASE add this bugfix, or whatever works, so that
> the LDM dumps the data right into the disk instead of storing it in
> memory?
> By the way, outside of this bug, which is fairly significant, I will
> never, EVER use any flavor of Unix again besides Linux, so long as I have
> any say in it. It's stability, even with the problem noted above, is
> worlds better than any other OS I've ever used. Frankly, I'd rather scrape
> the back of my thighs with a cheese grater and then go on a plane ride
> with the Kennedys rather than using Solaris ever again. That was
> version 6; I've been told 7 is an entirely different and nasty ball
> of whacks. Anyway, if it hasn't been said emphatically enough, thank you,
> THANK you for supporting Linux versions of UNIDATA software!!!!
> Please let me know the status of this. I am using Linux 5.2. on
> weather.admin.niu.edu (primary) and weather3.admin.niu.edu (backup).
> BTW, all my downstream sites have access to both machines now.
> Gilbert
> *******************************************************************************
> Gilbert Sebenste ********
> Internet: address@hidden (My opinions only!) ******
> Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University ****
> Work phone: 815-753-5492 ***
> *******************************************************************************
> ------- End of Forwarded Message
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/