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19990319: ldm & solaris pc
- Subject: 19990319: ldm & solaris pc
- Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 12:59:06 -0700
>From: address@hidden
>Organization: St. Cloud State
>Keywords: 199903192214.PAA23446 LDM setup
Hi Alan-
>Things are looking up here, at least for awhile. I know I
>should not try too much on a Friday, but I did try for a
>few items and I think they worked.
Only problem with Friday is you might not get your questions
answered until Monday!
>We have repartitioned the disk and made the changes as you
>call for in your http files ldm preinstall and ldm binary install.
>In the preinstall phase, you direct us to prepend $Home/bin to Path
>and $Home/man to MANPATH.
>The change to Path went fine, by editing the .cshrc file for the
>set path line.
>manpath is not defined in .cshrc so I wrote a new line for it
>but I don't think that has worked.
To set the manpath, you should use:
setenv MANPATH /usr/local/ldm/man:/usr/dt/man:/usr/man:/usr/openwin/share/man:.
in your .cshrc. I think path is a special case so you can use the
format you did, but that will not work for MANPATH>
>I do see MANPATH and its present value when I type env, and I can
>change this variable (MANPATH) to its desired value with the setenv
>command but that change is lost when ldm logs out and back in.
>I assume MANPATH gets its value from some other file, but I don't
>know where that is . It was not in .login or in .cshrc.
I'll have to check where the default is set.
>Otherwise, everything is ok. I did edit scriptconfig again to
>correctly define perl and the other items, then ran the script.
>Actually, we edited script config and ran it, then tried to run
>ldmadmin but got 'cannot execute' a few times.
>I finally realized that I needed the full path name for perl,
>not just the directory where it is found, i.e. /usr/local/bin/perl
>and not just /usr/local/bin.
You shouldn't need to edit scriptconfig. It should find perl
on its own - that was the whole reason it was created. The LDM
scripts used to have the location of Perl hardcoded and if it was
not in that location then things wouldn't work. scriptconfig is
supposed to find perl and then use the value it finds to edit
the LDM scripts (ldmadmin, ldmfail, etc).
>Also, the first time ldmadmin mkqueue ran, it gave a message that
>it could not open /tmp/.ldmadmin.lck or something similar, so
>I change the permissions on /tmp so anyone can write (777).
>Noticed that tmp was owned by somebody named 888; Who is that?
This should be okay. I'm not sure why the owner got set to 888.
I compared it with ours, and our /tmp looks like:
drwxrwxrwt 10 sys sys 1439 Mar 21 03:30 tmp/
The t indicates that the sticky bit is set. I changed yours to
look like this by running (as root):
chown sys /tmp
chgrp sys /tmp
chmod u+t /tmp
Let me know if this causes any problems.
>Please tell me if I have gone too far.
No, I went further! ;-)
>So, I can start and stop the ldm, will next go on to configuring
>as you direct in the http, and also you gave me an email on this
>as to how keep hobbes going for awhile until waldo takes over.
Let us know if you have question on the procedures.
>Have not finished with the ntp stuff, will ask Clint Rowe, but
>I do have permission from another server in Madison, so may use that.
>My systems man says the reverse name look up is set.
>You are welcome to snoop.
Looks good. I can look you up (nslookup) using the IP and/or the
name (waldo.stcloudstate.edu).
>One last question on a different matter. I had a bunch of high school
>teachers come in today for a demo. Went ok, but I shot my mouth off
>and said "you can have a similar system in your school, in that the
>hardware is not too costly and software is free" . I retracted and
>tried to convince them that it was not so simple, unless they had
>some system admin. people at their school, but ....
>What options if any are available to high schools? I know there are
>a few high schools and maybe middle schools who participate, based on
>presentations at meetings. Maybe most are out east.
>Got any comments?
We have a couple of high schools who are sponsored participants. For
software and data access we have to get permission from the developers
(SSEC and NCEP) and providers. Being sponsored participants, they get
their support from the sponsorer, not the UPC. One thing that can be
done is that they can get the McIDAS software from the sponsor and if
the sponsor (or another site) is willing, they can just use ADDE to
get the data instead of having to set up an LDM. That could make life
much easier for these sites. They still need someone who knows Unix to
install McIDAS and maintain their system.
>Thats all
... for now. ;-) Let us know if you need questions answered.
Don Murray