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Re: 19990206: AFOS feed ingest - v5.0.6? hupsyslog ?
- Subject: Re: 19990206: AFOS feed ingest - v5.0.6? hupsyslog ?
- Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 15:33:43 -0700 (MST)
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Unidata Support wrote:
> ------- Forwarded Message
> >To: "Glenn P. Davis" <address@hidden>
> >From: "Walter A. Rogers" <address@hidden>
> >Subject: Re: 19990206: AFOS feed ingest - v5.0.6? hupsyslog ? (fwd)
> >Organization: .
> >Keywords: 199902090412.VAA02655
> Glenn,
> Thanks for the prompt AFOS ingest patch. After seeing several
> support-ldm notes about this, I new that there had to be something
> amiss in the source. It's probably been only since the new year
> that NWS sites began trying v5.0.6. Most rely on earlier versions.
> I wasn't able to successfuly build 5.0.6 from source, instead
> getting the same compile error that Don Murray noted in his
> message SUBJECT: Installing LDM 5.0.6 under RH Linux 5.1 - point
> 3). Nonetheless, I'll give it a try again tomorrow.
> Also, it would be nice to have a permanent fix the the ldmd.log
> rotation in hupsyslog.
Here's a hupsyslog that should work on the different version on Linux,
etc. I would replace the original with the attached one to this message:
% cp hupsyslog hupsyslog.orig
- get the one from mail message
- as root, make it owned by root and suid root also. Detail instrustions
on Web page.
Let me know if you have problems. Did you get a clean LDM build?
> With the setup documentation now cleaned up .. and the ldmadmin
> ps fix for Linux, things seem to be in good shape.
> Anxiously awaiting the linux binaries with this AFOS feed patch
> unless I can get a clean compile.
> Walt Rogers
> ------- End of Forwarded Message
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
# File: hupsyslog.pl
# Copyright 1995 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
# See ../COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
# Description: This perl script provides an alternative to the c code hupsyslog
# and platforms without the /etc/syslog.pid file.
# Files:
# Environment Variables:
# Usage:
# hupsyslog.pl
# get the existing runtime environment
($os,$hostname,$version) = split(/ /,`uname -a`);
$syslogpid = getPid() ;
#print "$syslogpid\n" ;
system( "kill -HUP $syslogpid" ) ;
sub getPid {
my( $i, @F, $pid_num ) ;
# looking for the syslogd pid
if ($os eq "SunOS" && $version =~ /^4/) {
open( IN, "ps -gawxl |" ) || die "ps: Cannot open ps" ;
$default = 2 ;
} elsif( $os eq "Linux") {
open( IN, "ps ajx |" ) || die "ps: Cannot open ps" ;
$default = 1 ;
} else {
open( IN, "ps -eaf |" ) || die "ps: Cannot open ps" ;
$default = 1 ;
# each platform has fields in different order, looking for PID
$_ = <IN> ;
s/^\s*([A-Z].*)/\1/ ;
$index = -1 ;
( @F ) = split( /[ \t]+/, $_ ) ;
for( $i = 0; $i <= $#F; $i++ ) {
next if( $F[ $i ] =~ /PPID/i ) ;
if( $F[ $i ] =~ /PID/i ) {
$index = $i ;
last ;
$index = $default if( $index == -1 ) ;
@F = ( ) ;
# search through all processes, looking for syslogd
while( <IN> ) {
next unless( /syslogd/ ) ;
s/^\s*([a-z0-9].*)/\1/ ;
( @F ) = split( /[ \t]+/, $_ ) ;
last ;
close( IN ) ;
# no pid, no syslogd running
return -1 if( $#F == -1 ) ;
return $F[ $index ] ;