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19990120: Wxbox Sys full
- Subject: 19990120: Wxbox Sys full
- Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 09:07:15 -0700
>From: Anthony Rockwood - MSCD Meteorology <address@hidden>
>Organization: Metropolitan State College of Denver
>Keywords: 199901201511.IAA16797 LDM NOAAPORT extra data
>Well it's back to the grind -- Couple of things:
>Wxbox is full - I can't log on as wxuser. A message scrolls by as I try
>to log on that says something like Nullock: system full. Sounds ugly.
I was able to log on and it looks like scour ran and cleared up some stuff.
I'm not sure what is taking up all the space. It could be that there
was a huge MD file which has since been scoured. We'll have to
keep an eye on that. In the mean time, there are a couple of things
that you can do.
1) There is a 75 Mb core file in wxuser's home directory. Log
on as wxuser and delete the file 'core':
rm core
2) There is a pattern/action in pqact.conf:
# check other headers
DDPLUS ^_ELSE_$ FILE data/gempak/nwx/unknown/%m%d_else.wmo
which files all unknown products into an "unknown" directory for
NWX. With NOAAPORT there are more products getting filed there.
There is one of these for each day and they are about 30 Mb.
You could comment out this entry in pqact.conf and then send a HUP
signal to pqact to reread its configuration file:
ps -eaf | grep pqact (find the pid for pqact)
kill -HUP pid (where pid is the one found in the previous output)
That will save you a few more bytes. If the disk fills up again,
let me know and I'll see if I can find the problem. I suspect there
is a problem with one of the ldm-mcidas decoders. I guess we could
install a new version and see if that fixes the problem. I'll get
back to you on this.
>Now that the students are back and the campus network is loaded down,
>winfo2 is REALLY slow. Maybe this is related to nfs or the fact that
>wxbox is full ?
I would suspect this. Can't get those new machines in quick enough, eh?
If you get some money, you might want to just get one machine to replace
wxbox since it is really overloaded right now and worry about getting
the rest later.
>I can't seem to get the nfs mount to stick on mclap. I can do it manually
>but not when using the system configurator GUI. It appears to be set the
>same as on winfo2. I notice that when it tries to do the mount, the
>network card hasn't been activated (not blinking), so it seems that these
>two are not loading in the right order (i.e. the network should be
>running prior to mounting). I tried messing around with the
>Run Level settings, but had no luck. Any ideas ?
I'll talk to Mike about this. I think your idea of changing the order
is the way to go.
Tom is working on the build for McIDAS using gcc and f2c. We might
want to use wxbox as a testbed. If we do, we'll make sure to do it
when the load will not be a problem (like the weekend).
Don Murray