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[ldmMcidas #PTY-212318]: No binaries created in ldm-mcidas installation
- Subject: [ldmMcidas #PTY-212318]: No binaries created in ldm-mcidas installation
- Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 09:00:52 -0600
Hi Mike,
> Thanks a bunch Tom! I'll give it a shot and see what I can do with it.
No worries.
I guess one of my questions is what is your objective as far as the
McIDAS installation goes. If you are looking to have a "typical"
McIDAS setup, I could run through the setup to generate entries
needed for the 'ldm' account (e.g., ldmd.conf entries; pattern-action
files; crontab files).
Right now, I see that you are ingesting CONDUIT, IDS|DDPLUS,
UNIWISC, and NEXRAD3 on uila (note that I reorganized this a bit
in an effort to tidy things up). The question is if you are also
interested in:
HRS - lower resolution model output from NOAAPort
NGRID - higher resolution model output from NOAAPort
NIMAGE - GOES-East/West image products from NOAAPort
NLDN - NLDN Lightning data (point-to-point from Suny Albany)
USPLN - USPLN Lightning data (point-to-point from WSI)
If you/UH are interested in the different lightning streams
(you may not be because their coverage does not yet extend
to cover Hawaii), you will need to contact the folks in control
of the distribution of those data:
Dr. David Knight
Department of Atmospheric Science
Suny Albany
Kim Rauenzahn
Lightning Product Manager
Given Steven Businger's work with long range lightning detection,
you may be interested in getting the USPLN data as WSI has
plans of providing a feed of global coverages at some point in
the future (it is in testing now).
If you decide you want the USPLN data, you must make sure to
request access to both the USPLN, USPLN1EX, NAPLN, and NAPLN1EX
sets. You can see more about what these different feeds mean
in terms of coverage at:
Unidata HomePage
Lightning Data Available via the Unidata LDM/IDD
So, when you have decided on all of the data feeds you want
to ingest on uila, I am willing to setup the McIDAS processing
of them. Please let me know.
> As for next, seems like I might as well put GEMPAK on here. :-)
Have you already setup a GEMPAK account? If yes, and given permission,
I could download the latest GEMPAK source release and give building it
a try. I feel certain, however, that there will be some packages that
need to be installed by 'root' before the build can be successful (e.g.,
OpenMotif). We have moved towards source code only releases since
we have found that a LARGE fraction of the support questions we received
regarding GEMPAK were directly related to quirks in running a binary
release that was not built specifically for each user's platform.
It sure would be nice if I could do a site visit to help get things
setup ;-) In lieu of that, helping out on your machine is the next
best thing to being nearer a beach :-)
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PTY-212318
Department: Support ldm-mcidas
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed