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[ldmMcidas #PUC-404507]: MD storage limits
- Subject: [ldmMcidas #PUC-404507]: MD storage limits
- Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 19:46:15 -0700
Hi Samuel,
> Is there a way to make it so that our ADDE server stores more than 9 days
> worth
> of MD data per product.
The McIDAS naming convention for MD files limits the number of files of any kind
of data to 9 days, so you will not be able to keep more than 9 days _and_ keep
using the MDXXnnnn naming convention.
> I.E. store more than 9 days worth of wind profiler data?
What you will want to do is rename the realtime files before they get to be
10 days old or older and then create an ADDE dataset composed of the differently
named files. I would suggest incorporating both the date of the data and
its type into the new file names. Example:
Profiler_CCYYMMDD.hourly <- renamed MD files containing hourly summary data
Profiler_CCYYMMDD.6min <- renamed MD files containing 6-minute data
The ADDE dataset definition for each of the above sets would look like:
DIRFILE=/data/ldm/mcidas/profhourly/Profiler_*.hourly "Archived hourly summary
profiler data
DSSERVE ADD PROFILER/6MIN MD DIRFILE=/data/ldm/mcidas/prof6min/Profiler_*.6min
"Archived 6-minute profiler data
N.B., the above are examples. You should modify these to match your preference
renaming and storage location.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PUC-404507
Department: Support ldm-mcidas
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed