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[ldmMcidas #KQH-987099]: Make error: ldm-mcidas on Mac OS X 10.5.1
- Subject: [ldmMcidas #KQH-987099]: Make error: ldm-mcidas on Mac OS X 10.5.1
- Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2008 19:06:35 -0700
Hi Dave,
I guess I was composing my last message while you were sending us the
> OK, I FILEd a compressed MCIDAS AREA file and it is in fact quite a
> bit smaller then the uncompressed version (~40% as large).
Phew, this is what it should be!
> Not sure
> why images saved last night, with no pnga2area decoder apparently in
> place, managed to get uncompressed, but they did.
Is it possible that you modified the pqact.conf entries and did not
stop/restart the LDM or send it a HUP signal ('ldmadmin pqactHUP')?
This would account for the mystery EXCEPT for your moving the old PPC
version of pnga2area over to /Volumes/virgabackup/...
> However, I can't get
> the IDV to display the compressed data correctly--it reads the date/
> time of the image OK (which I guess is because the date/time is part
> of the header, which isn't compressed), but the image itself is just
> black and white noise. (I specified that the "data type" is MCIDAS
> AREA files--didn't see a suitable data type menu entry for PNG-
> compressed versions of MCIDAS AREA files.)
OK, this tells me that the IDV is _not_ (yet) able to read the PNG-compressed
images directly. My bad...
> What am I missing? (Should I ask Don/Jeff about this?)
You are missing nothing. I was mistaken in my thinking that Don/Jeff
had added direct reading of the PNG-compressed files.
> If WXP reads the compressed files, I haven't figure out how, so I'll
> probably have to continue to uncompress them.
I would be very interested to know if Dan added support for the PNG-compressed
images. He never contacted us about what needed to be done to do this, so
if he added it, he either figured it out from scratch, or searched our online
list of inquiries to find my messages to a couple of other users about what
we are doing. Got to had it to Dan in any case :-)
Bye for tonight...
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KQH-987099
Department: Support ldm-mcidas
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed