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[SupportPlaza #PDS-980326]: broken link on ldm-mcidas pages
- Subject: [SupportPlaza #PDS-980326]: broken link on ldm-mcidas pages
- Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 11:08:49 -0600
Hi Susan,
> Ah Ha ^2! I read through what you did for him in the support
> archives, but didn't catch that ldm-mcidas-2004 wasn't going to work
> on Mac.
Yea, the McIDAS/ldm-mcidas support for MacOS-X was marginal in 2004.
> Thought if I started carefully from scratch I wouldn't run
> into the same trouble.
Good thought! But, it wouldn't have mattered.
> (Also considered mailing him directly to see
> if he'd slip me that one decoder)
Also a good thought. Dave Dempsey of SFSU is a great guy and very
approachable for things like this. Dave used to be a member of
the Unidata Users Committee.
> Yes I would love for you to try some magic. But don't laugh - it's
> kind of in a mess with a lot of test stuff that hasn't been cleaned
> up. ldm's account is /Users/ldm . machine is
> flightrisk.meas.ncsu.edu , a G5 Xserve.
> I compiled LDM 6.4.6 on it but cheated and used GEMPAK 5.10.1
> binaries.
There is nothing wrong with using binaries especially for packages like
GEMPAK since it requires that one have Motif installed for linking
> I think I will need to compile the current GEMPAK on it;
> there are 5 decoders that crash.
Interesting. Have you sent in an inquiry regarding this problem? If
not, you should: address@hidden.
> Grabbing some FORTRAN's right now.
This is not needed for the partial build of ldm-mcidas. Here is what
I did:
1) download the 3.6.1 version of netCDF:
<as 'ldm'>
setenv CC gcc
setenv CFLAGS -O
setenv CPPFLAGS '-DNDEBUG -Df2cFortran'
setenv CPP_LDM -I/Users/ldm/include
setenv LD_LDM '-L/Users/ldm/lib -lldm'
setenv CPP_MCIDAS /Users/mcidas/inc
setenv LD_MCIDAS '-L/Users/mcidas/lib -lmcidas'
setenv CPP_NETCDF=/Users/ldm/netcdf/include
setenv LD_NETCDF '-L/Users/ldm/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf'
setenv LD_X11 '-L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11'
setenv FC /usr/bin/g77
Note that the definitions for CPP_MCIDAS, LD_MCIDAS, and FC point to
non-existent things.
cd ~
mkdir netcdf
cd netcdf
ftp ftp.unidata.ucar.edu
<user> anonymous
<pass> address@hidden
cd pub/netcdf
get netcdf-3.6.1.tar.gz
tar xvzf netcdf-3.6.1.tar.gz
cd netcdf-3.6.1/src
make install
cd ~/netcdf
ln -s netcdf3.6.1 runtime
ln -s runtime/* .
cd ~/ldm-mcidas/ldm-mcidas-2004/src
-- failure, but not to worry
cd decode
make pnga2area
./pnga2area <- just to make sure that it runs
cp pnga2area ~/decoders
So, you now have a 'pnga2area' decoder in your /Users/ldm/decoders
directory. You should be able to quickly determine if this executable
works for you... just setup your LDM to ingest any/all of the
UNIWISC (aka MCIDAS), FNEXRAD, or NIMAGE feeds; use the pqact.gempak_xxxxx
pattern-action files that specify decoding of the imagery using
pnga2area; and stop/restart your LDM
Please let me know if the decoder is working for you now.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PDS-980326
Department: Support ldm-mcidas
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed