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20051019: zlibg2gini
- Subject: 20051019: zlibg2gini
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 13:38:23 -0600
>From: "Jordan Gerth" <address@hidden>
>Organization: SSEC
>Keywords: 200510191601.j9JG1O7s009290 NOAAPORT AWIPS GINI zlibg2gini
Hi Jordan,
>I am wondering if Unidata has a working binary/compiled
>version of the zlibg2gini converter that could be e-mailed
>to me. We are having trouble building one for ourselves
>that works, and the one that was supplied to us seems to
>be not correctly analyzing the sizes of satellite sounder
What operating system are you using?
Given the problem you are seeing, it may be useful to give me a login
to the machine you are attempting to build ldm-mcidas on so that I can
create a binary for your particular setup. This would go a long way
towards diagnosing why the zlibg2gini output for sounder data is not
working correctly for you.
By the way, I will be working on a new ldm-mcidas release that
incorporates some recent lessons learned in correctly labeling NOAAPORT
sounding imagery. I will be working on this release after I return
from the MUG meeting at the end of this month.
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