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20050321: Image handling in mcidas -- set up problem (cont.)
- Subject: 20050321: Image handling in mcidas -- set up problem (cont.)
- Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2005 11:15:43 -0700
>From: "John Hobbie" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NMSU/NSBF
>Keywords: 200503181935.j2IJZWv2008699 ldm-mcidas decoder
Hi John,
>Thanks for your response and detailed help.
No worries.
>The instructions cleared up a number of symptoms but the pnga2area problem
>I did the touch tests, and they worked down to a certain level, but there was
>no directory created for the 12.0 band in your example and thus the touch
>failed. I don't know if I was supposed to set up all these directories
>or if the decoders were supposed to do them but because the decoding process
>failed, the directory never got created. (There are several other missing
>bottom directories in GOES-12, etc.)
If permissions permit, the decoder will create all subdirectories that
are needed. The fact that the touch test failed at a certain point tells
us that the decoder did no have permission to create the needed subdirectory
or that the decoder bombed before getting to the part where it needed to
create the subdirectory. Which of these two possibilities is the one you
are facing is something I can not determine without more information.
>But the big gotcha occurs with pnga2area, (and on checking the logs, pngg2gini
>and proftomd).
All of these decoders work in the same manner: they create subdirectories
when needed to create the output file specified in the pqact.conf action.
All will fail if any of the directories under which a subdirectory is to be
made does not allow 'ldm' to create a new directory/write a file.
>A "which" command found none of them.
Ah Ha! This says that the LDM is trying to run a decoder it can't find.
>I then went to both top directories of mcidas and of ldm and did a
>'find . -name "png*" and came up empty handed.
All of the decoders you name are part of the ldm-mcidas package, not the
LDM or McIDAS package. Perhaps we have found the source of your problem:
you have not loaded in the ldm-mcidas package.
>I also went to the installation manual to see if I was supposed to have created
>these files somewhere and could find no reference to them.
Since they are part of another packatge (ldm-mcidas, not McIDAS), there is
not a lot of verbage in the McIDAS web pages on setting up the decoders.
You should check out the ldm-mcidas web pages for instructions on how to
install and configure the decoders. The process is straightforward:
<as 'ldm'>
cd ~ldm
mkdir decoders
mkdir ldm-mcidas
cd ldm-mcidas
ftp ftp.unidata.ucar.edu
<user> anonymous
<pass> address@hidden
cd pub/binary/linux_2.4
get ldm-mcidas-2004.tar.Z
zcat ldm-mcidas-2004.tar.Z | tar xvf -
cd ldm-mcidas-2004/bin
cp area2png batch.k nldn2md pnga2area pngg2gini proftomd ~/decoders
cd ../etc
Finally, make sure that ~ldm/decoders is in the PATH for 'ldm', and
use example ~ldm/ldm-mcidas/ldm-mcidas-2004/etc/ldm-mcidas-pqact.conf actions
in your ~ldm/etc/pqact.conf file to decode products you want.
>Was there some flag or error message in the make file logs that I should have
>picked up on?
No. The real problem came down to you not knowing that the ldm-mcidas
decoders are not part of either LDM or McIDAS. They are a third package
that needs to be installed separately.
>Any ideas?
I should (re)add a section in the McIDAS documents about the need to setup
the ldm-mcidas decoders in order to decode UNIWISC images.
Sorry for the problems...
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>From address@hidden Mon Mar 21 12:57:48 2005
Tom ---
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Works like a champ. It was the ldm-mcidas that was missing. When I
did the clean install, I wiped those decoders out. Previous installs
had just kept floating on the older versions.
Thanks again for all your help.