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20041026: Wind Profiler data (cont.)
- Subject: 20041026: Wind Profiler data (cont.)
- Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 06:52:19 -0600
>From: "Kemp, Eric M." <address@hidden>
>Organization: Northrop Grumman
>Keywords: 200410191922.i9JJMiUE021123 IDD FSL2 wind profiler
>I have a couple more questions. First, are the netCDF files available via
>If so, can McIDAS-XCD be used to decode the files?
No, but you can use the Unidata ldm-mcidas netCDF to MD profiler decoder
proftomd. It is freely available and has been converting NOAAPORT
broadcast, FSL wind profiler data into McIDAS MD format for many years.
>Second, if we choose to FTP the realtime netCDF files directly from FSL, can
>we decode the files using SSEC McIDAS?
No, not that I know of.
>If not, are there any problems that we should be aware of if we try
>running both Unidata and SSEC versions of McIDAS on the same system?
You don't need to run the Unidata distribution of McIDAS to get the
profiler data into MD format. The ldm-mcidas package has a decoder
that you can use. I would send you more detailed information on
this decoder, how to setup it up, etc., but I am running a McIDAS
training workshop today through mid day Saturday, so my time is limited.
No worries.
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