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20041007: ldm-mcidas "proftomd" decoder
- Subject: 20041007: ldm-mcidas "proftomd" decoder
- Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 09:47:53 -0600
>From: Eirh-Yu Hsie <address@hidden>
>Organization: CU/CIRES
>Keywords: 200410071518.i97FIJUE009258 ldm-mcidas SCHEMA
Hi Hsie,
>Recently I keep getting:
>Oct 07 06:13:54 blizzard proftomd[19012]: Starting up
>Oct 07 06:13:54 blizzard proftomd[19012]: Decoding 2004281.0600 data into
>Oct 07 06:13:54 blizzard proftomd[19012]: WARNING: MD #cols 35 < dataset #stn
> 35
>Oct 07 06:13:54 blizzard proftomd[19012]: Exiting
>from proftomd decoder (from ldm-mcidas-2003). Searching the mail archive do
>not give me any definite answer.
As the log file notes, the message is a warning that not all of the
profiler sites are being decoded. The fix does not require a new
ldm-mcidas installation, however. The number of profiler sites that
will be decoded is governed by the MD file schema that is used when the
files are created. The schema, one for the hourly profiler data and
another for the 6 minute data, are contained in the file SCHEMA that is
located in the directory in which the data is decoded. The "fix"
to the proftomd warning is to get the new version of SCHEMA and
put it in the directory where proftomd decodes data.
The v2004 McIDAS distribution contains updated schema for both the
hourly and 6 minute profiler data, so sites that have upgraded to it
AND have copied the new version of SCHEMA to the profiler data output
directory are no longer getting the warning message you are seeing. If
you are not in a position to upgrade McIDAS to v2004, you can still
eliminate the warning you are seeing:
- download Unidata McIDAS-X v2004, mcidasx2004.tar.Z (put it in ~mcidas)
- unpack the distribution:
cd ~mcidas
zcat mcidasx2004.tar.Z | tar xvf -
- copy the new version of SCHEMA to the directory in which profiler
data is decoded:
cp ~mcidas/mcidas2004/data/SCHEMA /data/ldm/mcidas (for example)
When the data files for the next day are created, there will be more
spaces available in the output MD file for the additional profiler
Please let me know if you have any questions about how to upgrade
the ldm-mcidas profiler decoding.
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