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20030316: partial LDM-6 installation on weather2 (cont.)
- Subject: 20030316: partial LDM-6 installation on weather2 (cont.)
- Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 09:21:43 -0700
>From: Gilbert Sebenste <address@hidden>
>Organization: NIU
>Keywords: 200303122239.h2CMdsB2008428 LDM-6
re: get weather2 to ingest NLDN and have only weather2 report realtime
stats back to Unidata
Thanks. Did you turn off real time stats reporting from weather and
weather3? Do these machines feed downstream hosts? One of the useful
things in the real time statistics is for all machines in the chain to
be reporting the stats. This way, the topology link allow one to plot
the differential latency between any two machines in the chain. So, if
other Unidata IDD users are feeding from any one of your machines,
reporting real time statistics is useful. If those machines are not
feeding other Unidata IDD nodes, or if they are feeding sites outside
of the IDD, it would be test to NOT run the real time stats on those
re: what's up with the load average being less after loading LDM-6 is
that LDM-6 is more efficient
>Cool! Hopefully, it will be soon.
>Rock-stable on weather, weather2, and weather3 now.
Sounds good.
>And, in case you didn't figure out..."cloning" the new
>weather worked, so I won't need your help installing the new MCIDAS on
Too late. I logged onto weather yesterday (from weather2) and found that
the McIDAS installation was old. I upgraded it to v2002b as per your
previous request. The good news is that the build on weather set a new
speed record for building McIDAS: 6:29! For comparison, the build of
Unidata McIDAS v2002b on our Sun E450 takes over 45 minutes. The build
on our old AIX 4.3 machine takes almost 2 hours.
>Weather2, on the other hand...
I upgraded ldm-mcidas on weather2 yesterday.