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20030109: NLDN ldm-mcidas decoders for mcidas

>From: "Happel, Shelly" <address@hidden>
>Organization: USF
>Keywords: 200301091811.h09IBGt26938 ldm-mcidas nldn2md


>I'm wracking my tiny brain to get the new 2002 ldm-mcidas decoder working
>for the lightning data. 
>I am getting an error in my /var/log/messages that shows the decoder
>starting to work and then it says: NO KEYS FOUND IN MD FILE -1 

If you never had this setup before, you need to follow the instructions
in the LDM-MCIDAS page on using the decoders:

  Using LDM-McIDAS Decoders
The basic idea is that you _MUST_ copy the McIDAS file SCHEMA
(~mcidas/data/SCHEMA) to the directory in which the NLDN ldm-mcidas
decoder creates it output.  You must also copy ROUTE.SYS and SYSKEY.TAB
to that same directory.  The read/write permissions on all three files
should be 664 _assuming_ that your 'ldm' and 'mcidas' users are in the
same group.

>I tried doing some searches on this type of error and I didn't see anything
>out there. Any ideas? Thanks in advance,

If you are doing an initial setup, then I suggest:

o stop the ldm:

  <login as 'ldm'>
  ldmadmin stop
  <wait for all LDM processes to exit>

o <as 'mcidas'>

  NOTE: if you already have the files ROUTE.SYS and SYSKEY.TAB in the
        directory where you want NLDN data decoded, do copy new versions
        to that directory!

  cd ~mcidas/data
  cp SCHEMA SYSKEY.TAB directory_where_you_want_NLDN_data_decoded
  cd ~mcidas/workdata
  cp ROUTE.SYS directory_where_you_want_NLDN_data_decoded

o make sure that McIDAS has file REDIRECTions that will access NLDN
  MDXX files in the directory where you want NLDN data decoded.
  To test to see if you already have a REDIRECTion, run the
  REDIRECT LIST command and look for a pattern that will match MDXX
  files 71-80.  These will look like:

  MDXX007* directory_where_you_want_NLDN_data_decoded
  MDXX0080 directory_where_you_want_NLDN_data_decoded

  If you do not have the necessary REDIRECTions, add them:

  <still as 'mcidas'>
  cd ~mcidas/workdata
  redirect.k ADD MDXX007\* \"directory_where_you_want_NLDN_data_decoded
  redirect.k ADD MDXX0080* \"directory_where_you_want_NLDN_data_decoded

o remove any NLDN MDXX files that may have been created by your earlier
  attempts to get the NLDN data decoding working:

  <as 'ldm'>
  cd directory_where_you_want_NLDN_data_decoded
  rm MDXX007* MDXX0080

  This last step is important because the error message you report above
  shows that you do have a file of the appropriate name, and it is bad.

o after all of the above has been done, restart the LDM:

  <as 'ldm'>
  ldmadmin start
