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20001005: GOES-East/West compositing from UW stream imagery
- Subject: 20001005: GOES-East/West compositing from UW stream imagery
- Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 14:24:11 -0600
>From: Michael Sands <address@hidden>
>Organization: Moravian College
>Keywords: 200010051237.e95CbA100839 ldm-mcidas PNG compression
A couple of weeks ago you sent the following to the ldm-users email list:
>We just finished upgrading our LDM at the college but are running into some
>problems. For the pnga2area most of the files are updated but some are not,
>specifially the ones that are AREA0070-AREA0099 (the GOES E-W composites for
>VIS, IR, H20) and AREA0220-AREA0299 (all the sat/topo composites). I was
>wondering if any of you have any ideas why this could be happening. Here is ou
> r
>pqact.conf for pnga2area
>MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. (..) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
> PIPE -close
> pnga2area -d /mcidasdata/mcidas -r \1,\2
>Thanks in advance.
Did you get a resolution to your problem? If not, the answer to your query
is that the compositing of imagery is a process that is done locally on
your machine. In order for this to work, the copy of ROUTE.SYS that
you put in the directory into which you are decoding imagery must have
the compositing actions activated. This is done through a McIDAS-X
session by:
o start a McIDAS-X session as the user 'mcidas'
<login as 'mcidas'>
o definining a REDIRECTion to the copy of ROUTE.SYS in the output data
REDRIECT ADD ROUTE.SYS "/mcidasdata/mcidas
o verify that the REDIRECT command worked:
o add a REDIRECTion for SYSKEY.TAB which should also be in the output
data directory
REIDRECT ADD ROUTE.SYS "/mcidasdata/mcidas
o verify that REDIRECTion
o see if compositing entries are in the copy of ROUTE.SYS that you can
now access:
The compositing entries have product codes of CI, CV, and CW. The listing
should look like:
CI GOES-E/W IR Composite 80-89 AREA0086 00293 1936 none 3
CV GOES-E/W VIS Composite 90-99 AREA0097 00293 1937 none 3
CW GOES-E/W H2O Composite 70-79 AREA0074 00293 1936 none 3
If the first column of the listing starts with an 's', then the entry
is SUSpended, and you need to RELease (unSUSpend) it:
While you are at it, you should also make sure that your routing table
has entries for the CIMSS products that were added to the Unidata-Wisconsin
datastream back in June. Those entries will look like:
CA Cloud Top Pressure 1100-1109 AREA1104 00293 1915 CTP.BAT 3
CB Precipitable Water 1110-1119 AREA1110 00293 1946 PW.BAT 3
CC Sea Sfc. Temperature 1120-1129 AREA1122 00293 1835 SST.BAT 3
CD Lifted Index 1130-1139 AREA1134 00293 1948 LI.BAT 3
CE CAPE 1140-1149 AREA1143 00293 2004 CAPE.BAT 3
CF Ozone 1150-1159 AREA1158 00293 2005 OZONE.BAT 3
If you do not have entries htat look like these (never mind the AREA file
numbers and dates/times), then you need to do the following:
cd ~mcidas/workdata
ftp ftp.unidata.ucar.edu
cd pub/mcidas
<start a McIDAS-X session as 'mcidas' again>
After doing this, your routing table should look similar to the listing
The second part of getting the compositing working on your machine is to
make sure that you have configured the 'batch.k' shell script sent out
with ldm-mcidas to match your McIDAS-X installation. This is done
most easily by:
o creating a ~ldm/decoders directory as the user 'ldm' (assuming that
'ldm' is the user acccount in which you installed the LDM)
o make a decoders directory:
cd ~ldm
mkdir decoders
o add ~ldm/decoders to the PATH of user 'ldm'. Do this in 'ldm's
shell environment definition file, .cshrc (for C shell) and
make the new PATH active:
source .cshrc
o copy the version of 'batch.k' from the ldm-mcidas bin directory
(binary distribution; it is in the src/decode directory in the
source distribution) to ~ldm/decoders. Also copy all of the other
ldm-mcidas decoder binaries to this same directory
o edit ~ldm/decoders/batch.k and set MCHOME, MCDATA, MCGUI, MCLOG,
PATH, and potentially LD_LIBRARY_PATH to match your McIDAS-X and
system setup
o make sure that ~ldm/decoders/batch.k is set to be executable
chmod +x batch.k
After doing the above, compositing of the GOES-East and GOES-West images
should proceed.
I am sorry that I did not have the opportunity to respond, but I have
been on travel.
>M. Sands
># Moravian College
># address@hidden
* Tom Yoksas UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort) P.O. Box 3000 *
* address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*