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20000925: MCIDAS over idd (cont.)
- Subject: 20000925: MCIDAS over idd (cont.)
- Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 15:27:51 -0600
>From: Mike Trexler <address@hidden>
>Organization: NCSU
>Keywords: 200009250008.e8P084b11689 ldm-mcidas
>Thanks for your help. As you guessed, I did not get your email, and in
>fact have been having trouble with a couple of different addresses over
>the past couple of months. All seems well now and I'm settled with:
OK. I updated all of the Unidata email lists you are subscribed to
use the 'address@hidden' address.
>As for the mcidas stuff...I guess the procrasinating's over!
Yup :-)
>I've download the binary dist. of ldm-mcidas. Two questions:
>1) so I have to be running mcidas-x to use the pnga2area decoder??
No, absolutely not. If you want to build the ldm-mcidas decoders from
source, you have to have the McIDAS-X library to link against, but since
you are using a binary distribution, you don't have to worry about this.
2) Once I untar the dist. and set up my pqact.conf file does it know to
>where to look for the pnga2area,
>or am I suppose to specify an explicit pathname? For example:
>MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. CA .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
> PIPE -close
> pnga2area /data/ldm/gempak/nport/SOUNDER/\3/CTP/CTP_\4_\5
>is your example, but do I need:
>MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. CA .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
> PIPE -close
> /meaculpa/users/ldm-mcidas-7.6.4/bin/pnga2area /data/ldm/gempak/nport/
> SOUNDER/\3/CTP/CTP_\4_\5
Your transferrance of my example looks correct as far as the specification
of where to find pnga2area. It does not, however, tell pnga2area where
to find the files SATANNOT and SATBAND. It needs these files to interpret
information in the AREA file in a "human readable" manner.
I strongly recommend (if you havn't already done so) to do the following:
<as 'ldm' (assumes that the home for 'ldm' is /usr/local/ldm)>
cd /usr/local/ldm
mkdir decoders
<edit .cshrc and add /usr/local/ldm/decoders to your PATH>
cp /meaculpa/users/ldm-mcidas-7.6.4/bin/pnga2area /usr/local/ldm/decoders
cp /meaculpa/users/ldm-mcidas-7.6.4/etc/SAT* /usr/local/ldm/etc
Then redo and finish the pqact.conf entry:
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q0 CA .* (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -v
-a /usr/local/ldm/etc/SATANNOT
-b /usr/local/ldm/etc/SATBAND
Note that I changed:
o Q. to Q0 I did this to be more specific about the product. CIMSS products
are tagged with the 'Q0' time designator
o '....' to '.*' in the pattern line. The current default AREA file number
for CIMSS products is 4 digits long; for the "regular" GOES images it is
3 digits long. These lengths should not be considered to be invariant;
they can change in the future.
o added '-a' abd '-b' flags to tell pnga2area where SATANNOT and SATBAND can
be found.
This can serve as the example for the CIMSS products. You will want
something else for the other GOES iamges.
An action for the GOES-East IR images might look like:
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 UI .* (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -v
-a /usr/local/ldm/etc/SATANNOT
-b /usr/local/ldm/etc/SATBAND
and so on.
The correspondence between "McIDAS ROUTE.SYS product code" and product is:
Code Description
CA CIMSS Cloud Top Pressure
CB CIMSS Precipitable Water
CC CIMSS Sea Surface Temperature
CD CIMSS Lifted Index
UA Educational floater I
UB GOES-West Western US Water Vapor
UC Educational floater II
UI GOES-East North America Infrared
UR Research floater
UV GOES-East North America Visible
UW GOES-East North America Water Vapor
UX Global Mollweide Infrared Composite
UY Global Mollweide Water Vapor Composite
U1 Antarctic composite
U3 Manually Digitized Radar
U5 GOES-West Western US Infrared
U9 GOES-West Western US Visible
After you have updated your pqact.conf file, you should check its
integrity by running 'ldmadmin pqactcheck' (you need to be running a
relative recent version of ldmadmin to be able to do this). After
there are no errors indicated, you need to send a HUP to pqact to tell
it to reread pqact.conf (current versions of ldmadmin support this
through 'ldmadmin pqactHUP').
>I skimmed the webpage, but didn't readily see the answer. Sorry
Please let me know if the above isn't enough to get you going.