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20000921: PNG compressed Unidata-Wisconsin imagery data headers
- Subject: 20000921: PNG compressed Unidata-Wisconsin imagery data headers
- Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 08:50:14 -0600
>From: Tom Grzelak <address@hidden>
>Organization: Rutgers
>Keywords: 200009211334.e8LDYhb07756 Unidata-Wisconsin ldm-mcidas pnga2area
>I just assumed that we were behind in picking up a pqact change in order to
>bring in the product under the new decoder png2area. However, as best I
>can tell, we are properly receiving CIMSS products EXCEPT the normal stuff.
>Since I saw no other complaints on the ldm or idd-relay lists I assumed
>the products were being sent by we were just one step behind in updating
A notifyme to your LDM host indicates that you are receiving all of the
imagery in the Unidata-Wisconsin datastream and gives you example
patterns which you can use in setting up your pqact.conf entries:
notifyme -vxl- -f MCIDAS -o 1200 -h ns2.rutgers.edu
notifyme[9261]: Starting Up: ns2.rutgers.edu: 20000921135845.750 TS_ENDT
{{MCIDAS, ".*"}}
NOTIFYME(ns2.rutgers.edu) returns OK
Sep 21 14:18:46 notifyme[9261]: NOTIFYME(ns2.rutgers.edu): OK
Sep 21 14:18:46 notifyme[9261]: 0432c9cb6738a06bb7a141e43760c83a 6499
20000921140535.121 MCIDAS 000 pnga2area Q1 U3 201 GRAPHICS UNKBAND 5km
20000921 1359Sep 21 14:18:46 notifyme[9261]: b0285b54b90441732dff4de4bfa15b21
124405 20000921141511.619 MCIDAS 000 pnga2area Q0 CA 1100 GOES-10_SND UNKBAND
14km 20000921 1300
Sep 21 14:18:46 notifyme[9261]: acdfeab43d757dcddbf34653e2e3fa55 143930
20000921141619.498 MCIDAS 000 pnga2area Q1 UB 171 GOES-10_IMG 6.8um 8km
20000921 1400
Sep 21 14:18:48 notifyme[9261]: 224d14aea36c999cb3ff5c35279dd1b5 1452083
20000921141639.354 MCIDAS 000 pnga2area Q1 U9 122 GOES-10_IMG 0.65um 4km
20000921 1400
Sep 21 14:18:48 notifyme[9261]: 88dddf6313f95be083b4aee28085b21f 904050
20000921141701.094 MCIDAS 000 pnga2area Q1 U5 132 GOES-10_IMG 10.7um 4km
20000921 1400
The relevant headers from this listing are:
pnga2area Q1 U3 201 GRAPHICS UNKBAND 5km 20000921 1359
pnga2area Q0 CA 1100 GOES-10_SND UNKBAND 14km 20000921 1300
pnga2area Q1 UB 171 GOES-10_IMG 6.8um 8km 20000921 1400
pnga2area Q1 U9 122 GOES-10_IMG 0.65um 4km 20000921 1400
pnga2area Q1 U5 132 GOES-10_IMG 10.7um 4km 20000921 1400
The meaning of the fields in the header are:
pnga2area Q1 UB 171 GOES-10_IMG 6.8um 8km 20000921 1400
pnga2area Q. pc anum SAT BAND RES CCYYMMDD HHMM
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^__ time in [HHMM]
| | | | | | |_________ date in [CCYYMMDD]
| | | | | |_______________ res info from SATBAND
| | | | |___________________ band info from SATBAND
| | | |________________________ satellite name from SATANNOT
| | |____________________________ default output AREA number
| |_________________________________ McIDAS ROUTE.SYS product code
|____________________________________ broadcast time designator
The "normal" (non-CIMSS) GOES images (and composite images) are marked with
the "broadcast time designator" 'Q1'. The CIMSS products are marked with
the "broadcast time designator" 'Q0'.
The correspondence between "McIDAS ROUTE.SYS product code" and product is:
Code Description
CA CIMSS Cloud Top Pressure
CB CIMSS Precipitable Water
CC CIMSS Sea Surface Temperature
CD CIMSS Lifted Index
UA Educational floater I
UB GOES-West Western US Water Vapor
UC Educational floater II
UI GOES-East North America Infrared
UR Research floater
UV GOES-East North America Visible
UW GOES-East North America Water Vapor
UX Global Mollweide Infrared Composite
UY Global Mollweide Water Vapor Composite
U1 Antarctic composite
U3 Manually Digitized Radar
U5 GOES-West Western US Infrared
U9 GOES-West Western US Visible
>If you are getting the normal satellite products, what are you using for
>pqact.conf entries?
If you are using the McIDAS AREA file naming convention for your files
(so you are using the McIDAS routing tble, ROUTE.SYS), an appropriate
pqact.conf entry would be:
# Example header and action
# pnga2area Q1 U9 122 GOES-10_IMG 0.65um 4km 20000921 1400
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
decoders/pnga2area -v
-a /usr/local/ldm/etc/SATANNOT -b /usr/local/ldm/etc/SATBAND
-d /data/ldm/mcidas -r \1,\2
(mind the tabs!)
This assumes:
o you installed pnga2area in /usr/local/ldm/decoders
o you copied the SATANNOT and SATBAND files from the etc directory of
the binary ldm-mcidas release (the src/decoded directory of the source
ldm-mcidas release) to the /usr/local/ldm/etc directory
o the directory you want to decode images in is /data/ldm/mcidas (note
that ROUTE.SYS must located be in this directory)
pnga2area, however, can be used to directly populate a directory hierarchy
like that used by GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP. In this case, your pqact.conf
action for the 'U9' (GOES-10_IMG 0,65 um (VIS)) product might look
# Example header and action
# pnga2area Q1 U9 122 GOES-10_IMG 0.65um 4km 20000921 1400
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 (U9) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
decoders/pnga2area -v
-a /usr/local/ldm/etc/SATANNOT -b /usr/local/ldm/etc/SATBAND
More information on the ldm-mcidas pnga2area decoder can be found under:
>No-GOES Grzelak
>From address@hidden Fri Sep 22 09:08:11 2000
>Subject: Re: 20000921: PNG compressed Unidata-Wisconsin imagery data headers
Thanks much! It is working. We were missing the ROUTE.SYS.