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20000912: ldm-mcidas png2area decoder (cont.)
- Subject: 20000912: ldm-mcidas png2area decoder (cont.)
- Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 14:15:22 -0600
>From: Michael Voss <address@hidden>
>Organization: SJSU
>Keywords: 200009112351.e8BNpwb26866 ldm-mcidas
>here is route.k LIST:
>vortex:~/workdata>route.k LIST
>S Pd Description Range Last Received Post Process C
>- -- ------------------------- --------- ------------ ---------- ------------ -
> CA Cloud Top Pressure 1100-1109 AREA1103 00256 1915 CTP.BAT 3
> CB Precipitable Water 1110-1119 AREA1112 00256 1846 PW.BAT 3
> CC Sea Sfc. Temperature 1120-1129 AREA1120 00256 1832 SST.BAT 3
> CD Lifted Index 1130-1139 AREA1132 00256 1848 LI.BAT 3
> CE CAPE 1140-1149 AREA1142 00256 1849 CAPE.BAT 3
> CF Ozone 1150-1159 AREA1152 00256 1850 OZONE.BAT 3
> CI GOES-8/9 IR Composite 80-89 AREA0085 00256 1518 none 3
> CV GOES-8/9 VIS Composite 90-99 AREA0097 00256 1519 none 3
> CW GOES-8/9 H2O Composite 70-79 AREA0075 00256 1437 none 3
> LD LIGHTNING DATA default MDXX0076 00256 1918 NLDN.BAT 3
>s MA Surface MD data default MDXX0010 99182 630 SFC.BAT 3
> N1 GOES-8 IR/TOPO Composite 220-229 AREA0221 00003 2237 none 3
> N2 GOES-8 VIS/TOPO Composite 230-239 AREA0234 00003 2239 none 3
> N3 GOES-9 IR/TOPO Composite 240-249 AREA0242 00003 2217 none 3
> N4 GOES-9 VIS/TOPO Composite 250-259 AREA0250 00003 2218 none 3
> N5 MDR/TOPOGRAPHY Composite 260-269 AREA0268 00003 2206 none 3
> N6 Mollweide/Topography comp 270-279 AREA0275 00003 2231 none 3
> N7 GOES-8/9 IR/TOPO Composit 280-289 AREA0284 00256 1518 none 3
> N8 GOES-8/9 VIS/TOPO Composi 290-299 AREA0294 00256 1519 none 3
> NF Global Initialization Gri 101-102 GRID0102 99181 2238 GLOBAL.BAT 3
> NG Early Domestic Products 1-2 GRID0002 99182 442 ADDGRID.BAT 3
> R1 Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 300-339 none none none 3
> R2 Base Reflectivity Tilt 2 340-379 none none none 3
> R3 Base Reflectivity Tilt 3 380-419 none none none 3
> R4 Base Reflectivity Tilt 4 420-459 none none none 3
> R5 Composite Reflectivity 460-499 none none none 3
> R6 Layer Reflect SFC-24 K ft 500-539 none none none 3
> R7 Layer Reflect 24-33 K ft 540-579 none none none 3
> R8 Layer Reflect 33-60 K ft 580-619 none none none
> 3> R9 Echo Tops 620-659 none none none
> 3
> RA Vertical Liquid H2O 660-699 none none none 3
> RB 1-hour Surface Rain Total 700-739 none none none 3
> RC 3-hour Surface Rain Total 740-779 none none none 3
> RD Storm Total Rainfall 780-819 none none none 3
> RE Radial Velocity Tilt 1 820-859 none none none 3
> RF Radial Velocity Tilt 2 860-899 none none none 3
> RG Radial Velocity Tilt 3 900-939 none none none 3
> RH Radial Velocity Tilt 4 940-979 none none none 3
>s RM Mandatory Upper Air MD da default MDXX0019 99182 232 MAN.BAT 3
>s RS Significant Upper Air MD default MDXX0021 99181 1433 SIG.BAT 3
> U1 Antarctic IR Composite 190-199 AREA0190 00256 1511 none 3
> U3 Manually Digitized Radar 200-209 AREA0206 00256 1606 MDR.BAT 3
> U4 FSL Wind Profiler default PROFILER.CDF 99181 1925 none 3
>Is it munged?
No, but conspicuously absent are entries for the majority of the images
in the Unidata-Wisconsin datastream. Also, it looks like you had
ROUTE PostProcessing enabled (the N1-N8 entries) at one time, but the
compositing stopped back on January 3.
>How can you tell?
There would be garbage in the listing (random numbers, columns that don't
line up, etc.).
>BTW- I route some imagery to 5000's because
>I want longer (24 image) loops for the GOES-10 images -
OK. Just wanted to check to make sure. From the listing above, I
don't know how you are maintaining those longer loops of images. Is
it possible you didn't send me the entire routing listing?
>Looking at my ldmd.conf:
>request (DDPLUS|HDS)
> ".*"
> typhoon.atmos.ucla.edu.
>request MCIDAS "^pnga2area Q[01]" typhoon.atmos.ucla.edu
>request NLDN ".*" striker.atmos.albany.edu
>This seems OK...?
Yes, this is fine.
>Any other ideas?
Only the lack of routing entries for the "regular" UW images. Here is
a listing from a machine here at Unidata, for instance:
route.k LIST
S Pd Description Range Last Received Post Process C
- -- ------------------------- --------- ------------ ---------- ------------ -
CA Cloud Top Pressure 1100-1109 AREA1107 00256 1915 CTP.BAT 3
CB Precipitable Water 1110-1119 AREA1114 00256 2001 PW.BAT 3
CC Sea Sfc. Temperature 1120-1129 AREA1123 00256 1832 SST.BAT 3
CD Lifted Index 1130-1139 AREA1136 00256 2003 LI.BAT 3
CE CAPE 1140-1149 AREA1147 00256 2004 CAPE.BAT 3
CF Ozone 1150-1159 AREA1156 00256 2005 OZONE.BAT 3
CI GOES-E/W IR Composite 80-89 AREA0086 00256 1939 none 3
CV GOES-E/W VIS Composite 90-99 AREA0095 00256 1939 none 3
CW GOES-E/W H2O Composite 70-79 AREA0078 00256 1938 none 3
LD NLDN Lightning Flashes 71-71 none none none 3
s MA Surface MD data default none none SFC.BAT 3
N1 GOES-East IR/TOPO Composi 220-229 AREA0228 00256 1939 none 3
N2 GOES-East VIS/TOPO Compos 230-239 AREA0237 00256 1939 none 3
N3 GOES-West IR/TOPO Composi 240-249 AREA0244 00256 1918 none 3
N4 GOES-West VIS/TOPO Compos 250-259 AREA0259 00256 1918 none 3
N5 MDR/TOPO Composite 260-269 AREA0262 00256 2006 none 3
N6 Mollweide IR/TOPO Composi 270-279 AREA0279 00256 1931 none 3
N7 GOES-E/W IR/TOPO Composit 280-289 AREA0288 00256 1939 none 3
N8 GOES-E/W VIS/TOPO Composi 290-299 AREA0297 00256 1939 none 3
NF Global Initialization Gri 101-102 none none GLOBAL.BAT 3
NG Early Domestic Products 1-2 none none ADDGRID.BAT 3
R1 Base Reflectivity Tilt 1 300-339 none none none 3
R2 Base Reflectivity Tilt 2 340-379 none none none 3
R3 Base Reflectivity Tilt 3 380-419 none none none 3
R4 Base Reflectivity Tilt 4 420-459 none none none 3
R5 Composite Reflectivity 460-499 none none none 3
R6 Layer Reflect SFC-24 K ft 500-539 none none none 3
R7 Layer Reflect 24-33 K ft 540-579 none none none 3
R8 Layer Reflect 33-60 K ft 580-619 none none none 3
R9 Echo Tops 620-659 none none none 3
RA Vertical Liquid H2O 660-699 none none none 3
RB 1-hour Surface Rain Total 700-739 none none none 3
RC 3-hour Surface Rain Total 740-779 none none none 3
RD Storm Total Rainfall 780-819 none none none 3
RE Radial Velocity Tilt 1 820-859 none none none 3
RF Radial Velocity Tilt 2 860-899 none none none 3
RG Radial Velocity Tilt 3 900-939 none none none 3
RH Radial Velocity Tilt 4 940-979 none none none 3
RI 248 nm Base Reflectivity 980-1019 none none none 3
RJ Storm-Rel Mean Vel Tilt 1 1020-1059 none none none 3
RK Storm-Rel Mean Vel Tilt 2 1060-1099 none none none 3
s RM Mandatory Upper Air MD da default none none MAN.BAT 3
s RS Significant Upper Air MD default none none SIG.BAT 3
U1 Antarctic IR Composite 190-199 AREA0191 00256 1810 none 3
U2 FSL2 hourly wind profiler default MDXX0086 00256 1918 none 3
U3 Manually Digitized Radar 200-209 AREA0201 00256 2006 MDR.BAT 3
U5 GOES-West Western US IR 130-139 AREA0133 00256 1918 GW-IR.BAT 3
U6 FSL2 6-minute Wind profil default MDXX0096 00256 2010 none 3
U9 GOES-West Western US VIS 120-129 AREA0120 00256 1918 GW-VIS.BAT 3
UA Educational Floater I 160-169 AREA0169 00256 1932 none 3
UB GOES-West Western US H2O 170-179 AREA0173 00256 1916 GW-WV.BAT 3
UC Educational Floater II 60-69 AREA0067 00256 1935 none 3
UI GOES-East North America I 150-159 AREA0158 00256 1939 GE-IR.BAT 3
UR Research Floater 180-189 none none none 3
US Undecoded SAO Data default none none none 1
UV GOES-East North America V 140-149 AREA0147 00256 1939 GE-VIS.BAT 3
UW GOES-East North America H 210-219 AREA0219 00256 1938 GE-WV.BAT 3
UX Mollweide Composite IR 100-109 AREA0105 00256 1930 MOLL.BAT 3
UY Mollweide Composite H2O 110-119 AREA0113 00256 1938 none 3
route.k: Done