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20000810: ldm-mcidas build at U. Missouri-Columbia (cont.)
- Subject: 20000810: ldm-mcidas build at U. Missouri-Columbia (cont.)
- Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 12:04:28 -0600
>From: Local Data Manager <address@hidden>
>Organization: University of Missouri-Columbia
>Keywords: 200008092313.e79NDbN20455 ldm-mcidas
>We have followed your instructions AND seen the light.
Now, if I could only see the light :-)
>My apologies
>for trying to compile a binary distribution. We have been banging away at
>this, the LDM, and GARP pretty hard for about a month now. Thinking
>is getting foggy.
Absolutely no problem.
>We have set the directory path for now to be /asp/met/data/ldm/mcidas/images
>for now, but want especially for them to be viewable in GARP, for which
>we have also established a path: /asp/met/data/ldm/gempak/images/sat
OK. We should work on you getting things working for GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP
first. After I release McIDAS-X 7.7 and you install it, you will be
able to use the images from the GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP directory/naming
structure with no modifications.
>Although GARp is our first priority (especially for use in Synoptic and Meso
>courses this fall---a week away) we would like to be able to view satellite
>imagery through both. Can you help us to get the imagery into the GARP
>readable paths?
The following pqact.conf entries should get you going in the right
direction. There may be some tweaks needed later, however.
Again, the following actions should be used with the same
cautions/notes that I sent in my last email: mind the tabs; comments
about SATANNOT and SATBAND, etc. The only changes from what I sent
yesterday are:
o use of the directory locations you provided above
o specifying logging to ~ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log
As far as logging goes, you don't have to log these ldm-mcidas actions
to a different log file, but it helps when trying to troubleshoot LDM
problems (the ldmd.log file is less cluttered). Also, if you do log to
~ldm/logs/ldm-mcidas.log, then you have to setup a cron entry to rotate
these log files. The 'ldm' cron entry we use is:
# Shift LDM-McIDAS log files
0 17 * * * /usr/local/ldm/bin/newlog logs/ldm-mcidas.log
#---------------------------- pqact.conf entries ------------------------------
# Unidata-Wisconsin PNG compressed Products
# Header Format:
# \1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7
# pnga2area Q0 CF 0015 GOES-10_SND UNKBAND 1km 20000525 2000
# CIMSS Products decoded into AREA files using McIDAS routing table
# pnga2area Q0 CF 0015 GOES-10_SND UNKBAND 1km 20000525 2000
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. (..) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -a etc/SATANNOT -b etc/SATBAND -l logs/ldm-mcidas.log
-d /asp/met/data/ldm/mcidas/images -r \1,\2
# UW products except Mollweide IR and WV and Antarctic composite and floaters
# decoded into GEMPAK directory/name hierarchy
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 (U[^ACXY13]) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -a etc/SATANNOT -b etc/SATBAND -l logs/ldm-mcidas.log
# Educational Floater-I
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 (UA) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -a etc/SATANNOT -b etc/SATBAND -l logs/ldm-mcidas.log
# Educational Floater-II
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 (UC) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -a etc/SATANNOT -b etc/SATBAND -l logs/ldm-mcidas.log
# Antarctic Composite IR
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 (U1) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -a etc/SATANNOT -b etc/SATBAND -l logs/ldm-mcidas.log
# Mollweide Global IR
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 (UX) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -a etc/SATANNOT -b etc/SATBAND -l logs/ldm-mcidas.log
# Mollweide Global Water Vapor
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 (UY) (.*) (.*)_IMG (.*)um (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -a etc/SATANNOT -b etc/SATBAND -l logs/ldm-mcidas.log
# Manually Digitized Radar
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q1 (U3) (.*) (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -a etc/SATANNOT -b etc/SATBAND -l logs/ldm-mcidas.log
The first entry will decode and file the products for McIDAS 7.6 and
previous. The second, third, fourth, and fifth entries will file
products that GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP can display in a hierarchy that they can
use. The last entries file products in a GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP hierarchy,
but GEMPAK/GARP/NMAP don't support the navigation types of these
After I release and you get and load McIDAS-X 7.7, the first entry above
will not be needed UNLESS you want to create the various image composites
(GOES East/West, and VIS and IR/topography) through McIDAS ROUTE
PostProcess BATCH files. At that point, we can cut down on the number
of images that you decode and save you some disk space.
>Thanks for your help and your patience with a couple of newbies.
Absolutely no problem. Glad to help.