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20000731: setup for decoding PNG compressed imagery at UVa
- Subject: 20000731: setup for decoding PNG compressed imagery at UVa
- Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 17:29:15 -0600
>From: "Jennie L. Moody" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UVa
>Keywords: 200007312129.e6VLT0T16061 ldm-mcidas pnga2area pqact.conf
>i'll just say thanks, i don't even know what your doing,
>but presume it might be fixing things for the new png
Right. I figured that you had more important things to worry about.
Just to update you, I did the following:
<as ldma>
o FTPed the latest ldm-mcidas binary distribution for Solaris SPARC 5.6
(what windfall is running)
o unpacked it in the ~ldma/ldm-mcidas directory
o changed the runtime link to point bin at ldm-mcidas-7.6.4/bin
o edited ~ldma/etc/pqact.conf:
o commented out old ldm-mcidas entries that are not needed (LWFILE,
o commented out the entry for decoding of LWTOA3 (delta encoded)
o added an entry for decoding of new PNG compressed non-CIMSS images
o added an entry for decoding of CIMSS PNG compressed products
NOTE: since you are using McIDAS routing table concepts for naming
decoded imagery, you could get away with a single pqact.conf
entry for decoding of PNG compressed imagery.
o changed the ~ldma/etc/ldmd.conf request for data from navier;
now MCIDAS data products are requested separately and the
regular expression that requests the images is specific to
headers that begin 'pnga2area'; this will keep down the amount
of data hitting windfall (by reducing redundancy)
o stopped and restarted the LDM
o monitored the LDM ingestion/decoding of images to make sure that
things are working
o changed the ldmd.conf entries for your primary and failover feed
ldmd.blueskies.sprl.umich.edu (this was still pointing to navier)
<as mcidas>
cd uvaworkdata
ftp ftp.unidata.ucar.edu
cd pub/mcidas
dmap.k ROUTE.SYS
batch.k CIMSS.BAT (add routing entries for CIMSS products, one
of which is an ozone product)
route.k SUS RM RS UM MA US (not needed; not wanted)
What I really need is for someone there to take a quick look to see
if your ROUTE PP BATCH created products are working. I think that
they should be, but it is always nice to know...
>i have read about this and hoped tony
>would work on it (sent him a reminder about it), but maybe
>he asked for help.
I havn't heard from Tony since July 8 (he was trying to get
RedHat 6.2 Linux installed on your laptop. I never did hear if
he was successful.