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20000703: Problems with pnga2area in LDM pqact.conf file
- Subject: 20000703: Problems with pnga2area in LDM pqact.conf file
- Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2000 12:58:02 -0600
>From: "C. Vandersip" <address@hidden>
>Organization: FSU
>Keywords: 200007031756.e63HugT00060 ldm-mcidas
>Can you advise me on the errors I'm getting upon my attempt to activate
>the new pnga2area decoders in LDM for use in GEMPAK/GARP? Below are the
>specific messages.
Your pqact.conf entry is incorrect. Please see below for more information.
>Machine is an Ultra1 running Solaris 2.5, ldm-micdas
>7.6.3, and ldm 5.0.8. ldm-mcidas was compiled from the source code. The
>actions I've taken were to add in the pnga2area decoder lines to
>pqact.conf, executed a successful ldmadmin pqactcheck and issued a
> ldmd.log error messages:
>Jul 03 17:34:36 pluto pqact[9315]: pbuf_flush (16) write: Broken pipe
>Jul 03 17:34:36 pluto pqact[9315]: pipe_dbufput:
>Jul 03 17:34:36 pluto pqact[9315]: pipe_prodput: trying again
>Jul 03 17:34:36 pluto pqact[9315]: pbuf_flush (16) write: Broken pipe
>Jul 03 17:34:36 pluto pqact[9315]: pipe_dbufput:
>pqact.conf setup (similar for each of the six products):
># CIMSS CAPE - McIDAS product code CE
>MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. CE .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
> PIPE -close
> pnga2area -x -l /usr/local/ldm/logs/CIMSS_CAPE.log
> -d data/garpdata/images/sat/SOUNDER/\3/CAPE/CAPE_\4_\5
The '-d' flag is only used with the '-r' flag. The combination of the
'-d' and '-r' flags is for users that want to name their files with
the "standard" McIDAS naming scheme (e.g., AREAnnnn) and are using
the McIDAS routing table, ROUTE.SYS. Since you are trying to set this up
for use strictly with GEMPAK/GARP, your pqact.conf entry should be similar
# CIMSS CAPE - McIDAS product code CE
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. CE .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -xl /usr/local/ldm/logs/CIMSS_CAPE.log
Also, pnga2area needs to be able to access information from the fiels
SATANNOT and SATBAND. These are included in the both the source and
binary distributions of ldm-mcidas. In the source distribution they
can be found in the src/decode subdirectory. In the binary distribution
they get installed in the etc directory. You _must_ specify the
'-a' and '-b' flags IF you do not have McIDAS-X installed under
/home/mcidas. Assuming that this is the case, your pqact entries would
look something like:
# CIMSS CAPE - McIDAS product code CE
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. CE .... (.*) (.*) (.*) (........) (....)
PIPE -close
pnga2area -xl /usr/local/ldm/logs/CIMSS_CAPE.log
-a /usr/local/ldm/ldm-mcidas-7.6.3/etc/SATANNOT
-b /usr/local/ldm/ldm-mcidas-7.6.3/etc/SATBAND
This assumes that the directory containing SATANNOT and SATBAND is
/usr/local/ldm/ldm-mcidas-7.6.3/etc on your system. If it is not,
simply adjust the directory location to match your setup.
>log file output (CIMSS_CAPE.log):
>Jul 03 17:34:36 pnga2area[2709]: Starting Up
> in GetFileName
>Jul 03 17:34:36 pnga2area[2710]: Starting Up
> in GetFileName
The GetFileName problem is encountered since the fully qualified pathname
for the output file has not been specified. As per the pnga2area man
page or online help, the output file name is the last argument on
the pnga2area command line if one is not using the McIDAS file routing
Please let me know if this works or if you continue to have problems.
Tom Yoksas
>From address@hidden Mon Jul 3 13:41:38 2000
>Subject: Re: 20000703: Problems with pnga2area in LDM pqact.conf file
That did the trick. I should've reviewed the man page more carefully as I
was setting this up. Thanks for the quick response.